Chapter One

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Coming Home
Kasey 'Kass' Robin

"I know you're buzzing to get out." Penny patted Kasey's back as she knelt down to grab all her belongings, the small amount she had.

"I guess so." Kasey replied quietly, she actually couldn't imagine anything worse than leaving, she hadn't thought this far and the reality of it was that she would've preferred to simply stay where she was.

Kasey didn't like changes.

Penny looked around to see if anything else was left that belonged to Kasey before she stood at the cell entrance, staring at her friend as she stood up and slipped on her white plimsolls with a blank expression. Her blue eyes narrowed as Kasey dragged her feet, she truly didn't understand her at times. Even after spending years together, Penny could never confidently say she understood how Kasey's brain worked.

Not that it mattered anymore, they hopefully would never cross paths again.

Finally peeling her eyes away from the plastic bag in her right hand, Kasey's black eyes stared into her long-time friend's teary eyes. A soft expression crossed her face briefly before she closed the space between the two and wrapped her arms around the taller, muscular white woman who had made her stay as comfortable as she could've. She inhaled Penny's coconut scent before she pulled away to see a guard waiting for her on the other side of the bars.

Pulling away from her friend, Kasey gave Penny a small smile before she walked out of the cell and towards the exit, where her life would change forever.


As the rain poured down, Kasey sipped on a latte in a café. The coffee was bitter as she took another sip, simply absorbing everything about the world. She had a meeting with her probation officer tomorrow at 9am on the dot and she'd heard that she was the strictest woman ever. Kasey honestly wasn't surprised she'd gotten her as her probation officer, she'd never been a lucky person anyway.

She sighed as she stepped out into the rain and jogged across the street, her apartment was just across the road. After pressing her key against the sensor, the door opened and she dashed up the stairs to the door with the number 15 on it. This was the beginning of something new, unwanted and daunting.

Slipping the key into the key hole, Kasey unlocked the door and hesitantly walked inside. She shut the door behind her and locked it before slipping off her cheap trainers, the apartment no longer had a scent. As her bare feet walked on the cold floor, Kasey couldn't help but slip her shaking hands into her pockets.

A part of her had hoped that at least one voice would welcome her home but it was just as she'd expected. There was no one here, no one to come back to and no one to live for.

Her eyes widened slightly as she took in the state of her room. It was exactly as she'd left it all those years back. Not a single thing out of place. She grabbed the duvet before walking to the living room and laying on the couch, wrapping herself up in the duvet. Her plastic bag was on the floor as she shut her eyes in the quiet apartment, hoping and praying to God that she wouldn't dream of anything.


Kasey had been awake since 6am, a habit she'd picked up many years ago. She'd dashed out to buy some coffee and a few groceries before getting home to take a shower before her probation officer arrived. There was a very strict schedule that she followed because it felt like home to her, it was a comfortable routine.

Her probation officer arrived at exactly 9am and she had a heavy knock. Officer Evans was a stern white woman with a permanent scowl on her face. She'd informed Kasey of everything she was allowed and not allowed to do. From how she had to get a job, to how she couldn't leave the state without permission and how their meetings would happen weekly and sometimes, they'd even be random, unscheduled meetings.

Not that she was a picky or judgmental person but Kasey liked this particular probation officer. She knew where she stood with her and what to expect. The lady was on the older side, most likely reaching her late-seventies but she was good at her job. Kasey nodded and they said their goodbyes, then she was left alone once again.


Prison had been hard, actually, hard was an understatement but coming home to find out that her whole family had passed was even harder. Kasey couldn't sleep, despite her exhaustion, she was haunted by dreams. At times she'd hope that it would be a nightmare but it never was, it was happy memories which haunted her.

The place she'd grown up in which used to be warm and happy was now an empty shell of what it used to be. She'd been applying to jobs around but no one wanted to hire a convict, especially one with the crime she'd been convicted of. A week had passed and she'd been stuck in the same miserable cycle, freedom had been exactly what Kasey had thought it would be.

That was until she got the call that her probation officer had been replaced and Kasey couldn't ignore the dread that filled her when she heard that she'd be getting a new probation officer.

Kasey heavily disliked changes.


I don't even know where this is going but let's find out!

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