Osamu - When Y/N Likes Osamu, But Osamu Likes Someone Else (Fluff)

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Imagine Osamu's crush getting advice or just talking about her crush to Osamu without knowing that he likes her. Osamu was unwilling, but still listened to her and gave her advice. Which in the end, led to his crush dating the person she likes.

Osamu knew he was the one who gave her advice, but he can't help but be upset with the outcome. He will then go to his best friend, y/n, to let out his feelings. "I guess that's her type. Opposite of me..."

"Well for me, my type is someone who plays volleyball with a wing spiker position and loves food."

Osamu looked at her in confusion as he didn't understand why she was suddenly mentioning her type. He was about to question her until it clicked to him.

She was talking about him.

This new information made him flustered, but y/n acted as if she didn't just 'indirectly' confessed to him. She just smiled at him before going back to her phone.

That was when y/n began to invade and linger in his mind and he began to be more conscious of y/n's actions. This caused him to gradually avoid her which did not go unnoticed by y/n. She grabbed his arm as soon as she got the chance and said, "Stop avoiding me."

"How can I not?!" Osamu questioned with a blush.

"Do you not like me that much?"

"That's not it..." Osamu quickly shook his head.

"Then don't avoid me."

Osamu brushed his hair up in frustration as the conversation was going in circles. Even after their conversation, Osamu tried to avoid her, but it backfired as y/n will always chase after him and stay by his side. This only led to them spending time together even longer.

Y/n will always show up to his practices and games to cheer him. Not only that, she will always bring food with her to feed him. She also always has her tissue ready to wipe his lips after he eats. Her actions never fails to make his heart skip a beat.

It doesn't take long for him to realize that he doesn't think about his crush anymore. His mind was now filled with y/n instead. He had to admit. "I think I like her..."

Even though Osamu realized his feelings, he was still unsure of what to do. As he was wrecking his brain, y/n suddenly confessed to him. "I like you, Samu."

Osamu's whole face and neck instantly flushed. "W-what?! I-I mean, I know, b-but! Huh?! Why s-sudden?!"

"You wouldn't reply to my confession before." y/n has a slight pout.

"Yeah, but still!"

"So? What's your reply?" y/n stared at him with a smile.

"I like you, too, but-" Osamu shut his lip, not continuing his words.

"But?" y/n gestured him to continue.

Osamu sighed softly as he rubbed the back of his neck. "I don't know..." He didn't know why he was hesitating. It was driving him crazy. What was stopping him?

"We like each other. That's all it matters. What's other problem is there?"

"Good for you..." Osamu sighed as he mumbled. "Everything is simple for you..."

"Just worry about whatever it is when we encounter it. Just focus on the present for now."

'Maybe she's not wrong,' Osamu agreed in his mind.

Just as he was about to say something, y/n tiptoed and left a quick peck on his lips.

"Are you crazy?!" Osamu yelled out in flustered state as he covered his lips with the back of his hand.

"Your face is about to burst any second, Samu!" y/n laughed at his state.

"And whose fault is that?!"

"It's over! We kissed, so we are dating now!"

"What?!" As Osamu was about to object, y/n turned away from him and walked away. "Hey! y/n!"

Y/n turned around and yelled, "We are dating now!" Then she turned back and ran away from him.

"She's unreasonable..." Osamu sighed as he slid down to the floor. But even as he complained, the ends of his lips tugged upward.

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