chapter one

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I hear my alarm ring l reach for the alarm but before l could switch it off l hear someone burst into my room. "Hey wake up sleepy head." It was a soft male voice l was wondering who it was then l remembered when he stood in front of my bed. He switches my alarm off. "I told you not to sleep late." I sigh l knew that but l could not help myself l had to play a game with my online friends. "I know that dummy." I fully open my eyes to see him in a nice pair of jeans and a white shirt. "Now get up l have to take you to school." I groan out of annoyance and shake my head. "Five minutes please." I beg but it clearly did not win him over he pulls me out of bed l almost scream before landing on the hard cold floor l wanted to beat him up but l was too tired.

"Dont be a sloth get up." I sigh before pushing myself up. "You only have 20 minutes to get ready." I sigh to myself but l accepted it.

"Okay now go!" I shout he seemed shocked but eventaully left. I help myself to the bathroom almost limping. I look into the mirror. "How am l going to clean up this mess in twenty minutes!?" I ask myself but l had no answer l guess l had to just challenge myself. I wash my face and brush my teeth which only took me about ten minutes l rush to my closet and look inside of it. I contemplated on what to wear but something finally got to my mind after a while. I wore a pink wavy skirt with a nice white tight top. The last thing was my hair. Now my hair is not soft at all its pretty rough to comb through but l had to try.

I take a towel and make it wet then l put it ontop of head and it was so cold but l had to get over it. I start to comb my hair and after struggling for a bit l finally did it my hair looked decent l made a cute afro. I take my pink bag and l was ready to go. I rush downstairs to see my mom and my best friend talking. "Im ready lets go." I say to mason he turns around. "Okay. Lets go." He says heading towards me. "Bye mom."
"Bye sweetie." I smile at my mom before leaving the house with mason we head to his car. It was an old mustang that was the colour of bright red. I get into his car and put on my seatbelt and he does the same.

The car ride was silent but l did not mind l just looked out of the window and admired the nature it was a nice sunny day today unlike yesterday. We soon arrive to school. I get out of the car and mason does too we walk in together and there were alot of people walking around. "Do you want me to walk you to your locker?" He suggests l nod we walk together to my locker but a girl stops us by hugging mason and giving him a kiss l knew her. Blonde hair, blue eyes a nice tone of white for her skin and a pretty face no boy could resist. "Hey babe and hey stella."
Sarah says with a smile she looked like an angel in the sun. "Hey."
"Hello." I say awkwardly. "Do you want to walk me to my locker babe?" She asks looking shy. "Sure." He says he looks at me. "Can we talk later?" I nod while smilling l see him and sarah walk away from me l sigh to myself l guess l had to walk to my locker all alone but that was fine as long as mason is happy then l am. I walk to my locker and exchange some books before heading to class l fidget with some of my things before the bell rang.

First class was pure maths which l hated but l had to sit through it. When that was over l had another class which was chemistry then l had physics before going out to break l pick up my bag and take it outside with me l sit by a table and put my bag down and rummage throught it until l found a sandwich, it had lettuce,tomatoe and also ham with mayo on the bread slices l devour the sandwich within seconds.

I was about to take out my water bottle until l felt a presence infront of me l look up to see mason he had a cute smile on his face. "Hey." I thought he was with his girlfriend. "Hello." I respond l wanted to ask why he wasnt with his girlfriend but before l could even say a word l felt something spill onto me and it was hot. "Oww ow ow." I look to my left to see who did this and it was a girl.

"Oh my god im so sorry ugh im so clumsy." She sounded fake l tried to smile through the pain but l did not l instead got up and ran to the bathroom still boiling. I make it to the girls bathroom and quickly put some cold water on myself. Great l was just trying to enjoy my break then this happens l hear some footsteps enter the bathroom l look to my right to see who it is and it was mason. "Are you okay?" He asks looking concerned. "Uhh no not really." My white shirt got ruined from the coffee which was great l guess l could have a fashionable item who knows these days. "I wish l had something to give to you to make you feel better. Oh yeah!" He leaves the bathroom l was dumb founded but then he soon returned with a muffin in his hands. He gives me the muffin. "hopefully this helps." I smile at his kind gesture and hug him he hugs me back. "Thank you." I say with a smile. "No problem. Is there anything else l can do?"
"No you did more than enough." He smiles.

He leaves and even though l had this stupid stain he still managed to put a smile onto my face.


Soon it was after shool l was relieved l didnt have to walk around like an idiot anymore. I wait for mason to come by and he did but instead sarah was there with him and they were holding hands like fifth graders but whatever l didnt really care.

"Hey you ready?" Mason asks l nod. "alright then lets go." We get into the car and sarah was there too. Mason starts to drive. It was quiet and a little awkward, so once again l admired the nature outside trying to keep myself busy.

We soon get to my house. "Thanks for driving me mason and bye sarah." I say about to get out of the car.
" no problem and bye." Sarah just waved  while smilling l wave back to her and get out of the car. That was an intense day but whatever. I get into my house and see my mother in the living room watching television. "Hello mom." I say smilling. "Hey honey how was school?" She asks while lowering the tv sound. "It was okay l guess." It wasnt really the best but also not the worst. "Thats nice so have you met anyone today." I roll my eyes l hated when she asked me that question. "Nope maybe tommorow."
"Okay." My mom says l go upstairs to my room and put down my bag before heading to the bathroom and showering.

After 10 minutes l got out of the shower and went to my closet and picked out a nice yellow flowy crop top with dark blue jeans luckily l didnt get injured from the coffee spill.

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