1:Can't Outrun Your Past

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     The worst thing about living in a small town is that everybody knew your business, family scandals, your deepest darkest secrets, the one thing you did over summer break that you thought no one would find out about.

     Lockhart was no different, it was filled with nosy people, and Penny had had enough of it, she was finally going to skip town, run away to somewhere better, maybe Mexico, she didn't know. The past few months has been hell, she went from being on top of the food chain in her school to being a social pariah, she found out her father was having an affair with his secretary, more than "found out" she basically walked in on them, her mom had become a raging acholic after the divorce that she'd earned a reputation in town.

     Penny opened the trunk of her jeep and stuffed her bag in, she got into the car and looked up at her house one last time, her mother was sound asleep, passed out from drinking. She took a deep breath and started the engine, she had made up her mind and nothing was going to stop her.

     Now in the open road, going at full speed, a bottle of vodka she'd stolen from a mother in her hand, she had already taken several swings of it and was already fairly drunk. Drinking and driving, probably not a good idea, she was already too drunk to care. Her head was throbbing but that didn't stop her from pressing down harder on the accelerator.

    What happened next was in a blink of an eye, she peered into the distance and saw a dark figure standing in the middle of the road making her stomp on the brakes as first as she could, causing the tires to screech as the car came to a halt. She let out a sigh of relief and looked outside the window. The figure was gone, could it have been in her head. She got out of the car to investigate.

The cool midnight breeze hit her "Hellooo. Is anyone there". She yelled out and got no answer. She was on an empty highway, lit up dimly by street lights. She looked around for a while and got back into her car.

She was about to start the car again and she checked her rear view mirror out of habit, she gasped as she saw a figure sitting at the back. She was about to let out a scream but the attacker was quick and grabbed her from the back of the car. her voice was muffled by a hand over her mouth. She fought, thrashing, trying to get free but to no avail. Whoever it was, had a surprisingly strong grip on her. She scanned the car to look for some kind of weapon. She managed to get one hand free and grabbed the bottle of vodka and smashed it right in her attacker's face. She got out of the car and bolted off the road.

"Penny". She heard the attacker's voice.

   She knew that voice.

   She halted and turned back. Now standing out of her car as blood tickled down their face, she got a clear look at the face. She could never forget that face.

"What the hell is wrong with you". She cried out. "What do you want".

"I want the truth, this doesn't have to happen. People deserve to know".

"What the hell are you talking about?". She asked taking a few steps back as her attacker proceeded towards her.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about". They snapped. "Just go to the police and tell them everything or I'll solve this problem myself". Out of nowhere the attacker pulled out a hunters knife.

Everything about Penny's demeanor changed, from scared and frightened to cold and detached.

"Over my dead body". She sneered.

And that's exactly how it happened, over her cold, mutilated corpse.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2024 ⏰

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