An unexpected question.

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It's been a few days, and you haven't seen Konig anywhere, which makes you worried. You feel like ever since you asked him to be your boyfriend, he's been staying away from you. You feel a presence behind you, and a hand touching your shoulder gently. Your eyes widened, thinking it was Konig, but decided not to get your hopes up.  


You hear it. It hits you. It's Konig! He's finally back! You finally get to see him again!

"Konig.. Where have you been...? It's like ever since I asked you to be my boyfriend, you've been avoiding me!"

Konig looks at you, his eyebrows showing he feels bad. 

"M-Mein Liebe.. Es tut mir so leid.." (translation: My love.. I'm so sorry..)

Konig's eyes widened. 

"I'm sorry I forgot you don-"

You cut him off. You chuckled slightly, before doing something he wouldn't have expected. 

"Es ist alles in ordnung, mein liebe!" (Translation: Everything is fine, my love!)

Konig is shocked, his eyes widened even more if that was even possible.

"Du hast gelernt.." (Translation: You learned..)

You smiled, and chuckled to yourself, looking at Konig's surprised expression. You hugged Konig, having to stand on your tippy-toes to come even close to eye contact. Konig was still surprised, but giggled at the sight of you trying to reach his height. 

"Also, wie lange hat das bei dir gedauert?" (Translation: So, how long did that take you?)

You giggled, knowing Konig wasn't gone for more than a week. 

"Ungefahr eine Woche, spater wusste ich dass du, zurukkommen wurdest, also beschloss ich, nur fur dich zu lernen!" (Translation: About a week, I knew you would come back, so I decided to study just for you!)

Konig was astonished, as he barely even knows English, and it's been at least 2 years since he's even started to learn English! And You already know German within a week! 

"I've missed you!"

You say to him, smiling. He picks you up bridal style, lifting his mask just so his lips and the bottom of his nose were seen. His lips were pink, and perfect. He looks at you, trying to let you know what he wants to do. Your eyes widened, he was moving so fast. You nodded, not wanting to say no. you genuinely wanted it, but didn't really know how to react. You slowly moved closer to Konig's face. Your lips are locked together, and you enjoy every second of it. Konig licks your bottom lip, asking for entrance. You were scared. This was practically your first kiss! And he already wants to make out!? You nod, letting his tongue enter your mouth. You make out for a good while, and Konig breaks the sloppy kiss, smiling at you,pulling his mask back down to cover his face. "

Also... Y/N, ich wollte dich schon immer etwas fragen.." (Translation: So... Y/N, I've always wanted to ask you something.)

Konig looks away,  his head turning the opposite way, so he doesn't have to look at you. You smile, thinking of all the things it could be. You chuckle to yourself, inhale, and exhale. 

"Please try to speak English! I'm fluent enough, but not enough to have a full conversation."

He looks at you, nodding his head.

"But, yes? What did you want to ask me?"

You look at him and smile, rubbing your eyes.

"Ah.. Would you uh.. go on a date with me....?"

Your eyes pupils shrank, as your eyes widened. Konig wanted to go on a date with you!?

"I... Of course!"

You didn't really know what to say, you said yes because you wanted to go out with him. But you never thought someone so perfect would ask you out on a date.. I mean, he's actually perfect. You chuckled to yourself, hugging Konig. You craved his lips against yours. After that first kiss, you just craved him more and more. You looked around yourself, and then back at Konig. Your eyes are filled with passion. 

"Do you need something, Schatz?"

Konig looks down at you, tilting his head slightly. Your eyes widened, and you immediately looked at your feet. Konig laughs softly to himself. Seeing you like this turned him on in some sort of way. So... flustered. You shake your head to his question, and smile. 

"I'll come grab you at 7. Be ready liebling."

Word Count:721.

(This is a lazy chapter, I've been focusing on school. The next chapter will be longer!)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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