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Hello Snowflakes!

I really apologize for the super long update, its because of school, if I was homeschooled it would be so much better honestly. Anyway I will try updating 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 at this moment. I have to fix my research and everything, so I'm literally sorry its because of my school. So much home works and requirements.

Don't worry guys I'll update more but not as much as before. Thanks for a lot of reads! It means so much to me really.

Whether you're a Westlifer or not its amazing that you're reading my book. Thank you so much! I was a Westlifer myself last summer 2014 because of the DVD my parents bought please don't judge me. I wish I could have known them sooner, but anyway that's life so yeah.

If my book reaches 2k, well I promise I'll give a short bio of myself.

Please continue to read, comment, and vote!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May God bless you all!

Thank you for all the comments, reads and votes snowflakes!

~ A N G E L A ~

Why Do I Love You? ( Westlife fanfic ) ( on hold and under constcruction )Where stories live. Discover now