- Grumpy's Little Helper

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Grumpy can't say that he was very pleased at first with having one of the younger bears helping him out around the place....

But True Heart had been quite insistent that he's to let Dream Bright help him out and accompany him on any caring missions he's sent out on. And according to True Heart, Care-a-Lot (the bear, not their home of Care-a-Lot) had specifically chosen him to be paired up with Dream Bright.

He's not sure why, and truthfully, he had felt as though he's fine to work alone, or work with one of the older bears, rather than one of the younger bears. Not to have their founder - of whom their home is named after - to specifically have him pair up with a younger bear. It also didn't help that he was in a particularly grumpy mood when he was informed of this new dynamic, so his patience with one of the younger bears helping him out was rather thin.

He's just glad he's not having to watch Baby Hugs and Baby Tugs.... As much as he loves and adores those two, much like everyone else in the Kingdom of Caring, there's only so much baby bear mischief he can handle. And the cubs certainly get into plenty of mischief....

However, having Dream Bright help him out has proved to be not so bad after all. And he's found that he quite likes having her hang around and work alongside him. He had really feared that the younger bear would end up finding herself in trouble and given her smaller stature compared to the rest of the Care Bears aside from the cubs, be quick to lose sight of if things were to go wrong, or not be as capable as any other bear. But as it turns out, despite her smaller size, she's just as capable as every other bear or cousin in the entire Kingdom of Caring.

And she's exceptionally brainy and has quite frequently helped him and Bright Heart Raccoon out with their little engineering projects.

He's really grown to love having the young blue-and-purple bear helping him out. And he won't let on to True Heart or even Care-a-Lot Bear if and when he gets to see her, but he's quite glad that they had insisted on him having Dream Bright help him out.

Especially so as he watches her getting straight down to work and getting her fur dirty as she tinkers away at a broken cloud car in his and Bright Heart's workshop.

"Ah, ha!" Dream Bright announces cheerfully from under the hood, standing back on her little step stool in front of the car to look over at Grumpy. "The engine has blown, and it looks to need an oil change."

"You need any help?" Grumpy asks, as he makes his way over to her side.

She shakes her head, no. "Nope! I got it!"

And watching as she jumps down off her stool and wanders off towards the backroom of the workshop, Grumpy is confident that she has everything under control, and that she is perfectly capable of fixing the car.

Of course however, he'll still be right here and ready to help her out if need be.

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