-1- what time is it..?

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"It's been such a long morning..." I groaned, resting my head on my hands. I hear the door open as I look up to see Meloco. "Hey! What are you doing in the principal's office?" Meloco asked.

"Oh hi Meloco! it's nice to see you! my mum told me I sleep in too much and sleep too late, so she thought I should get a dorm room.."

"Oh so you're her for your key?" Meloco said with a bright smile on her face.

"Mhm! What about y-" My sentence got cut off as me and Meloco heard a door open. We both shot our eyes up at the office and someone spoke.

"Are you girls here for your dorm keys?" one of the receptionists said. I was too tired to respond but thankfully Meloco did.

"Yes we are"

"Right this way then." She led us to a room and asked for our names.

"Meloco Kyoran and [name] [last name]" Meloco answered. The receptionist looked through the draws and a smile formed on her face.

"Looks like you two are roommates! Congratulations, here are your keys" she handed us our keys as I looked over to Meloco who had a big, big smile on her face.

"We get to be roommates!" she almost shouted. I gave her a quick smile but she seemed to notice the lack of energy I had.

"Are you okay?? Did something happen this morning?" Meloco tilted her head.

"Oh... um well.."


*BEEP BEEP* there goes the sound of my alarm... but it feels like it has been beeping for a while now?? I get up stretching my arms and pick up my phone.

"7:30... OH MY GOD 7:30" I quickly get up, running to my closet as I grab my uniform and sprint to the bathroom, almost tripping. After I got out, I rushed downstairs as my mum was basically already waiting for me.

"It's the first day of school [name]!! and you already slept 30 minutes through your alarm!"

"I'm sorry I just couldn't sleep last night..." I said while packing my bag.

"You know what? I'm gonna call the school and ask them to give you a dorm, I think it would be better for you" she crossed her arms.

"Really? I would love that! But isn't it too late??" I said placing my bag over my shoulder.

"Nope! you can still call in, anyways its 8am, school starts in 20 minutes" Once I heard her say that I rushed out the door waving her goodbye and running off to school"

–end of flashback–

"So that happened." I sighed. Meloco released a soft laughter as she started speaking. "Well lucky we are roommates so I can wake you up extra early!"

"Please no" I said in a half joking tone. We both laughed and walked to the end of the hall. Meloco was looking at her schedule and I quickly took a glance.

"What do you have first?" I asked.

"English, what about you?"

"Oh same!" We both cheered happily and entered the classroom. I took a seat and turned around seeing Ver.

"Ver! Hii!" I said happily. Ver looked up and a smile instantly appeared on his face. "Hello [name]! How are you??"

"I'm so tired" I whined as Ver chuckled.

♡︎▬ι══════ﺤ ☆ ☆ ﹌﹌﹌ ˣ

I wake up to the sound of the bell and I gently lift my head up. Everyone was leaving the room so I got up and caught up with Meloco until I heard the professor speak.

"Remember to use the notes you took for our next assignment!" I froze. I turned back around running up to Meloco as I lightly tapped her shoulder. She turns around and gives me a warm smile. "Meloco I fell asleep in class... Can I copy some of your notes?" I said, looking embarrassed. Meloco let out a soft chuckle and pats my head. "Yes of course you can! just maybe get some more sleep okay?" she says give me another head pat. I gave her a light smile as we both parted ways to our next class.

♡︎▬ι══════ﺤ ☆ ☆ ﹌﹌﹌ ˣ im lazy :))

After what felt like forever, the bell finally rang. I dashed up to the rooftop seeing all my friends standing in a circle. I run up and jump into them, giving Doppio and Kotoka a big hug. 

"Looks like someone's happy to see us," Kotoka said with a big grin on her face. I laughed back as I gave the others a hug too. "How has your first day of school been so far?" Hex asks while taking a sip from his drink. "It's been alright" I said, half zoning out of the conversation.

I finish my food as I get up and dust off my skirt. 

"I'm gonna go to the Sakura trees." making my way to the exit, someone stops me. 

"Can I come with you??" Kotoka asks. 

"Of course!" I smile as we make our way down. We finally reach the back of the school as we see a lot of people. It was more than I expected since last year no one really hung out here. I guided Kotoka to the entrance as I looked around. There were MANY people here and basically all the benches were taken. I took Kotoka to one of the corners as I sat down, Kotoka sitting beside me. We both talked about hanging out sometime and planning things with our parents since our parents worked together.

As me and Kotoka finished planning, the bell rang. Me and Kotoka got up and walked our ways back into the building. We met up with Hex and Doppio but Ver and Meloco were nowhere in sight. I had 3rd period with Hex so we both went to our class. It was Maths so I groaned a bit while Hex was busy on his phone.

♡︎▬ι══════ﺤ ☆ ☆ ﹌﹌﹌ ˣ

It was the end of school as I made my way up to the dormitories. I unlocked the door as I saw Meloco sitting on her bed. She gave me a sweet smile and I gave her one back. For the next few hours me and Meloco were just talking about last year and the drama....

Before I knew it, it was already 6pm. Me and Meloco made our way down to the dining hall and sat down. We had salads, potatoes, and ribs. Not a bad way to start the first day but I knew I wasn't hungry. I sat next to Meloco as I ate a bit before putting my plate away and heading back up to my dorm. I scrolled on my phone for a while until I got a message from my mum. She asked how my first day had been going and I just replied with good!

It was 9:30pm. The teachers came around to each dorm telling students to get ready for bed as me and Meloco walked to the girls shower room (Idk what to call it...)

On our way there we saw Doppio and Hex. We waved to them before heading our way into the room. We both brush our teeth as I feel someone tap my shoulder. I look up to see Meloco. "Here I got you a brush since the brushes are on the other side" I looked up and took the brush thanking her.

♡︎▬ι══════ﺤ ☆ ☆ ﹌﹌﹌ ˣ

It was almost time until the lights went out. I hopped into bed and stared at the ceiling for a bit. "What do you think of the dorm??" Meloco asked.

 "It's nice, really nice" I said, my eyes getting droopy. 

"And the first time I'm actually tired too." "I giggled. "Goodnight Meloco.." "Goodnight [name]."



written by Ace 

Edited by Miki and Ace

1324 words


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