The Beginning

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Empress Jovine de Tristaine first fell in love with her husband on the day he proposed to her.

Frankly speaking, their marriage was one of convenience. Born from the noble family of Rainer, she was raised to be the perfect candidate for Crown Princess and molded to be the wife and partner to Richard de Tristaine, the heir to the Theolos Empire.

At the tender age of eleven, she had first met the brooding prince. Three years older than her, he had towered over her small frame, looking regal and threatening with those harsh dark blue eyes that narrowed on the timid girl in front of him. Since then, she couldn't help but be intimidated by the cold presence of the future Emperor she was supposed to win over.

It wasn't until they were older that she started noticing his alluring charm. His brash personality hadn't changed much, but he grew to be devastatingly beautiful, with a luscious mane of dark hair, deep blue eyes that held a pool of mysteries, and a sharpness that made him feel strong and dominating. Not only that, but he started to smile in front of her. And, it was the way he let down his guard that had her falling.

She could still remember the exact day it all changed.

On the night of the Winter Solstice Ball when she was thirteen, Jovine had snuck out of the palace ballroom with a smuggled cloth full of chocolates. After days of eating under the watchful eye of her mother, who never stopped emphasizing the importance of sacrifice in beauty, she could not resist the seductive temptation of the decadent sweets piled high in mountains of sugar and luxury. So, after discreetly plucking a few from the plate of her third brother, Edgar, she stuffed them into a napkin and made her way to the gardens outside.

With only the night sky as her witness, Jovine hid behind a marble fountain and stuffed her face with rich chocolates that melted on her tongue the moment it entered her eager mouth. She closed her eyes, letting a small cry of delight escape as she enjoyed her dessert, surrounded by lights and endless green.

It wasn't until she heard the soft padding of footsteps fall behind her that she realized her escapade would be short-lived. Swiftly discarding the evidence of her indulgence in the band of her gown, she turned to quietly retreat, only to find the Crown Prince staring at her inquisitively.

"Y-Your Highness," she had sputtered, quickly lowering herself into a clumsy curtsy.

He was silent, and when she looked up, she found his expression curious.

"What are you doing out here alone?"

With wide eyes, she lied. "To... enjoy the stars."

Richard pressed his lips together, and she couldn't tell if he was displeased or not. Her cheeks flamed, flustered by the situation. She needed to be calm.

With a dramatic wave of her hand to the dark sky above them, she smiled. "The stars are as majestic as your presence tonight, Your Highness."

A burst of laughter from the prince had her lips parting in shock. It was the first time she had ever seen him smile. In fact, she never knew he had a small dimple in his left cheek. He was simply magnificent.

Richard stepped into her as she remained frozen on the spot, too focused on the rare sight of his brilliant smile to react to his sudden proximity. With a gentle touch, he caressed her face, and her heart galloped furiously. What was going on?

The slow stroke of his thumb across her lips had her jerking back in surprise. Looking amused, he examined his stained finger.

"Mm," he pondered. "Chocolate."

Jovine gasped in horror, the moment shattering with the realization of her oversight. She clapped her hands over her chocolate-stained mouth, wanting to burst out in tears from the embarrassment. This was not how a future Crown Princess should be seen.

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