The Autobots Spike and Deepcover arrived at a abandoned parking lot the bots transform and look at the sky Spike notice something burning in the atmosphere.
From the earth atmosphere 11 metal astound were entering the atmosphere many landed in different areas and what exit the asteroids were robotic beings one of the bot walk to an hospital and scan the ambulance
and transform into it and roll off the other landed near the fire department and scan a fire truck the other Three landed near a construction site two out of one scan the same crane truck and the other one scan a frontloader the other two landed in a army base one scan military truck the other one scan a military jeep the other landed near a air museum and scan a bomber jet the other landed near a car shop and scan a posh.
The other one landed in the pool and as the bot exit the pool a little girl saw and up to it as the bot left the girl ask "excuse me are you the tooth fairy" the bot left before the girl father show up the scan a red pick up truck and transform.
The other bot landed near a parking lot and scan a tow truck the last bot was on a hill top and spotted a Peter build truck with a trailer attached to it and scan them both.
Transformers 2007
AdventureThere's once a mysterious cube known as the allspark that landed on earth 6 million years ago with it come the beings that want to posses it's power. Comment on what you think of the story's