Chapter 11 - Chosen Fate

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The dreams came again. Insects and spiders on top of Reina. This time, they weren't the dozens or hundreds of smaller ones that would skitter up and down her body. Instead, there were only two. One was a large centipede wrapped around her body. Its many legs held her in place. The second was a big spider pressing against her chest, the heavy weight making it hard to breathe.

It actually wasn't as bad as before. Aside from not having an uncountable amount of skittering things crawling all over her, she felt rather warm and comforted. Idly, she wondered if that meant she was going crazy.

The spider didn't stop there. No, it came closer to her face. Reina could feel the heat coming off of it as it pressed its body against her head, cutting off her air. She struggled to free herself to no avail. She could feel the end coming, nowhere to run in the empty void.

Light entered her world as she awoke from her confusing nightmare, only to find it continuing in the waking world. Instead of a centipede, she found herself wrapped up in a pair of arms. And instead of a spider, her face was smooshed in-between two very aggravating lumps of fat.

"Mmph!" She struggled against the hold of the woman beside her, attempting to find a way to push off. She wriggled and writhed, sliding her arm free of its hold. Once she did, she pushed against the head of the body, stirring it from its own slumber.

"Ow!" The feminine voice cried out as she released Reina, bringing up her hand to massage her face. "That hurt."

"Wha...What are you doing!?" Reina yelled after she caught her breath and backed away.

"Well, I was sleeping before you woke me up." The woman returned, sitting up lazily.

"Who are you!? What are..." Before Reina could ask further, she remembered the woman from yesterday. It was hard to miss the violet hair and her...other features.

"Maria, remember?" The wizard said, looking at Reina lazily with half-lidded eyes. "You hired me yesterday. Remember?"

Reina paused, trying to recall that piece of information.

The wizard, Maria, just killed a bunch of centipedes with her fireball spell—which Reina remembered feeling jealous of, as well as...other things. She thought about hiring the woman, spoke with her for a bit, then...spiders. She remembered lots of spiders. They came back and started crawling all over her.

"I...guess I remember that." Reina said hesitantly. She'd need to check with Vyrdrun on what exactly they agreed on.

"Then can I go back to sleep?" Maria asked. "It's still..."

She looked past Vyrdrun—who was tending to a fire—over at the door to the hut they were apparently in. Morning light was already filling the room past the hung cloak.

"Oh. Well, I guess we went to sleep early, so it's fine." Maria stretched from her spot on the bedroll, which was Reina's and the only one there.

"Yeah, alright, good." Reina rubbed her eyes, feeling somewhat more refreshed than she was previously. "Now we can..."

From the adequate night's sleep she got, Reina's brain was working much better than it was yesterday. It was because of this that she noted a very important detail about Maria that she hadn't before. Something that was pertinent due to a number of factors, not the least of which were that she and Maria had apparently slept next to each other.

"Y-Y-You're naked!" Reina yelled, pointing at the wizard accusingly.

"No I'm not." Maria pointed down, showcasing this world's equivalent of underwear. It was similar to what Reina had gotten and was more modest than what she thought Maria would wear, though that wasn't saying much.

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