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A/N: if you want the start of the story, it is on my other heartstopper story: 'Charlie and Nick Oneshots'.

Trigger warnings: swearing, sexual mentions (sperm and egg).

1129 Words.


It's positive. The test is positive. I'm pregnant. I look up at Nick with tears in my eyes, he looks down at me with a look in his eyes asking if he should be happy about it or not. I let go of the test and dive into his arms and start bawling my eyes out. He puts the test on the counter and hugs me back, I tuck my head in his neck and he does the same to me. I start overthinking everything. I'm only sixteen, Nick's only seventeen. How will our parents react? Will I get kicked out? Will I have to drop out of school? What will happen when I give birth and need to look after my child? What will happen with custody? Will we have shared custody? Will Nick get custody because he's older? Will my parents or his Mum get custody over them? 

This is when I notice I'm sobbing so uncontrollably that we have attracted Tori's attention. I feel her join the hug. I needed this. I calm down after about five minutes and I'm left sniffling and occasional silent tears falling from my eyes. 

"What's happened?" Tori asks softly as we pull away from the hug.

I nod my head towards the test on the counter. She walks over and picks up the test. When she's seen it her head shoots up. She looks at both Nick and I; it's so clear that she doesn't know what to do and I don't either.

"Sorry." I mutter with my head hung low.

"For what?" She asks.

"Getting pregnant?"

"Charlie, you have nothing to be sorry about. Getting pregnant is something that happens in life."

"But I'm only sixteen."

"Yeah, and?"

"Well, I'm literally a teenager with a baby in my body."

"No shit." 

"What's Mum going to say?"

"Who gives a fucking crap about what she says."

"What if she wants me to get an abortion?"

"Well it's your life, your body and your baby. She has no say."

"But she's my Mum."

"But she doesn't own you. She doesn't control you. Come on, let's clean all this up and go to your room: we can all talk about it there.

We all go back to my room and sit on my bed. Tori and Nick unpick my worries with me and reassure me that everything is okay. Nick had a few worries that Tori and I unpick with him. It's about half past two when everything is sorted out, we all go downstairs and have a little snack. I mean I don't, I steal a grape from Nick but that was it. He stays for the rest of the day and Tori sticks by our side until Michael drags her out to the park at five. I still have worries about it but with Nick and Tori by my side, everything will be okay. Nick and I book an ultra sound for a three week check up on Saturday the first of November. After that it will be the twelve week check up and we go from there. I was only nine when Mum was pregnant with Ollie so I remember some things but not all of them. Mum stayed quite shut off about it, I think he might have been unplanned but I am so grateful to have him in my life. 



It's the first of November and it's time for the ultra sound. The only person who isn't Charlie and I who knows about it is Tori; she's been so supportive about it. Charlie hasn't had many symptoms yet, he's only had nausea and cravings which means he's eating slightly more than he would but he seems to be doing okay. We are planning to get together with the Paris Squad to tell them sometime this or next week. We went back to school at the start of this week and Charlie hasn't been acting much different. He's been more careful about his stomach area and had more of variety of food in his lunchbox AND, the best thing about it is that he's eating all of it. No one seems to be noticing that we are acting slightly differently but that's a good thing. I pick Charlie up in my car and drive us to A&E, we head to the maternity ward where his ultra sound will be.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The lady behind the counter asks.

"Hi, we've got an ultrasound booked for Charlie Spring?" Charlie responds.

"Ah yes, may I ask where she is and what your relation to her is?"

"Uh, I'm Charlie Spring. I'm a carrier."

"Oh, what is your relation Charlie, sir?" She asks addressing me.

"I'm his boyfriend and the other Father of the baby."

"I see, if you want to take a seat just over there, your midwife will be out in a minute."

"Okay thank you." I reply and lead us to the waiting area.

We wait for about five minutes before the midwife calls us. She looked like she's in her mid twenties. She has brown hair with blonde highlights, green eyes and a slim build. Her name was Axel and she has been a mid wife for three years. She starts asking Charlie questions about when the baby was conceived, how long ago he found out be was pregnant, how far along he thinks he might be, y'know, the mid wife questions. She pays a lot of interest in what I say, she keeps saying: "Oh I really hope your partner back home feels so happy about this!"

His partner is in the same room as him and her but I just let her keep thinking what she's thinking and we'll bring it up later. Charlie is three weeks and two days pregnant; the baby is really small and it's a little hard to believe that a few weeks ago they were a sperm and egg cell. I feel so blessed to have this experience. The only down thing about it is how young we both are and the fact that I think our mid wife is flirting with me.

Authors note:

I hope you enjoyed chapter one, it was really fun to write. I don't know when chapter two will be out but I'm hoping sometime soon! Please tell me if there are any mistakes, I'm dyslexic so my read throughs don't always work. I hope you have an amazing rest if your day/night and I'll see you in the next one!

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