
142 6 3

Trigger Warnings: none.

Words: 993 (a little shorter today)


Before anyone knew, I was twenty weeks pregnant. Halfway through my pregnancy. It's still hard to believe that I've been gifted with a baby. It still amazes me that my body and other ones can grow a literal human in them. 

Anyway, today Nick and I have school. My bump is becoming more obvious and I'm in the ten percent of men in the whole world that can get pregnant. I really hope that no one picks on me for it or points it out. 

Waking up in the morning is becoming more of a chore, it's becoming harder and harder to do so. In a way that I just don't want to leave my bed, it's like almost having a permanent boyfriend hoodie. Almost. I drag myself out of bed and head to the bathroom, this baby is persistent on playing football with my bladder. After relieving myself, I get my breakfast that Tori has been judging me for recently but the baby wants it. What the baby wants, the baby gets. I have peanut butter coated pickles dipped in gravy. It might sound disgusting but it is divine. I take a brisk shower, brush my teeth, get dressed and make an attempt of taming my hair but it's no use. I fetch my bag from my room and head downstairs. I sit on the stairs to put my shoes on but I can't reach and instead of helping me, Tori laughs and walks out the door with Michael. Luckily, Nick walks in just then and has a puzzled look on his face clearly having just seen the scene between Tori and I.

"Niiiiiiiiick." I whine.

"Charliiiiiiiie." He mocks.

"I can't reach my feeeet."

"Do you want me to tie them for you, Char?"

I nod my head with a pout and Nick chuckles while kneeling down to tie my lases. I jump up when he's finished tying them. 

"Thank you." I say and peck his lips.

"You are most welcome." He grins.

We interlock our hands and walk out the door and towards school. 


Charlie seems a bit off today and I'm not too sure why. It might be something to do with going to school pregnant. For now however, he is talking about our little human in his womb with the biggest smile that I decide to ask him about it later if it's still bugging him. 

"I think they might be a girl. I can't wait to find out the gender: two days, Nick! Two days! We can refer to little potato as something other than little potato, like baby girl or baby boy. But I've got this womb feeling that we are having a girl. I've already started thinking of names! What do you think of Harriet, or Lily or... Maisie, Kayleigh, Everleigh. Oh I can't wait Nick. But I've also thought of boy names, like Louis, Hayden, Daniel, Oakley, Reef. What do you think, Nick? Or! We could like be specky and give a typically girl name to a boy, I don't know, like Kayden or the other way round with Brent. How cool would it be, Nick? But I swear the things your child has been making me eat, like peanut butter on pickles dipped in gravy, mashed potatoes on pizza but then it feels a bit weird eating that as we call our baby little potato and-"

"Char, take a breath." I giggle, "You've been talking about baby names all the way to school, we are literally in form right now and you haven't even noticed." 

I watch him look around our classroom, I find it quite amusing that he was so passionate of naming our unborn child twenty weeks early that he hadn't even been aware of his surroundings. He chuckles a little bit and then starts to daydream about baby names, no doubt. 

The rest of the day went perfectly fine. Charlie was still obsessing about baby names and eating weird-ass shit. Like, who the fuck (apart from my pregnant boyfriend) brings to school a whole-ass jar of pickled onions? Tao, Isaac, Aled and I had all given him a weird look for that one and he just told us that we would understand when we were pregnant. Lunch was the same, Charlie continued to eat the pickled onions and then expected me to give him a kiss. Now, don't get me wrong, I love to kiss Charlie but not when his breath smells like he's just climbed out of a sewer. I politely declined and he had thrown a strop until I had kissed him a few times. Walking home was the same as walking to school, Charlie was obsessing over names and weird cravings. I loved him pregnant. 


It was now Saturday and we were in my car on the way to the hospital so Charlie could have his ultrasound and we could find out the gender of our baby. We had registered and was only waiting for a few minuets when we were called into the room. 

Charlie had a full check up on him and then lied on the ultrasound table and our baby was being examined. They had a healthy heartbeat and was developing well. The midwife pointed out their little arms and legs, told us what the average size of the baby which compared to a bell pepper or banana. That one shocked both Charlie and I, we thought they would be a lot bigger than that. Maybe the size of a small watermelon but we guessed wrong. 

"Are you wanting to find out the gender?" The midwife asked.

"Yes, please." Charlie and I said in unison.

"Do you want me to tell you now or do you want me to write it down so you can find with your family?"

"Now, please. Thank you." Charlie replied. 

The nurse did a bit of searching and finally found what she was looking for.

"Okay, you boys are having a..."

Authors note:

I'm evil, I know.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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