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Trigger warnings: swearing,

1064 Words.


I'm now one month pregnant, it's a Tuesday and today we're telling the Paris Squad about it. I'm a bit nervous about telling them, I think I'm most nervous for Tao's reaction. He was never that fond of Nick and when he finds out that I'm carrying his baby he's going to go ballistic. Even if we do tell him is was a drunken mistake, he will give us a lecture on that too. I really hope he has an okay reaction but with Tao you can never tell. I'm won't be surprised if Isaac and Aled have already guessed, they're good like that. Must be a cousin thing. I'm a bit nervous to tell Darcy, I don't want her to make a joke about it. Tara, Elle, Sahar and Imogen will have a good reaction hopefully. You just never know with anyone and that's what worries me.

Tori and Micheal are walking today so it's just Nick and I on the bus today. He places his hand on my knee, gives me a kiss in the cheek and looks at me.

"How you feeling about today?" He asks softly.


"Yeah, I thought you would. When do you want to tell them, and how?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, do you want to tell them in school or ask if they can meet up in the park after and we tell them?"

"In the park. That would be easier."

"Okay, do you want to drop hints or just tell them straight forward?"

"Dropping hints would be fun. See how long it takes them to figure it out." I giggle a bit.

We continue talking for the rest of the journey to school. It's nice to get the Paris Squad alone to tell them but that means I've got all day to worry about it. Nick messages the Paris Squad group chat and they can all come tonight. This is really happening.


It's lunchtime and Charlie and I are sat in Mr Ajayi's room talking about how we want to drop hints, what sort of hints to drop and stuff like that. That's when Mr Ajayi clears his throat. Charlie and I's eyes snap up. I hope he hasn't been here for long.

"Mr Ajayi! How long have you been standing there for?" Charlie asks, trying and failing miserably to hide his nerves.

"Long enough."

Of fuck. We're screwed.

"What's this about a pregnancy, boys?" He asks while walking towards us and taking a seat on a chair.

"What do you mean?" I reply.

"Who's pregnant?"

"Uh. Me, sir. I'm pregnant." Charlie says with his head hung low.

"Who's the other Father?"

He knows it's me, he knows. I think he's just trying to get Charlie to talk about it. Obviously he'll back off if Charlie doesn't want to but I think it'll be good for Charlie to talk to someone who is not part of the family.


"Do you want to talk about it, Charlie?"

He looks at me and I nod, he needs to.

"Yeah, okay."

They have a conversation for a bit and Charlie seems a lot more relaxed than he was when he walked in.


We meet the Paris Squad outside the gate and walk to the park. Charlie and I were dropping very minor hints on the way there but not enough for them to guess.

We get to the park and sit on a picnic table. Charlie is quite visibly nervous about the while situation so I put my hand in his tight to calm him down. I run my hand up and down his leg and it seems to relax him a bit. We talk with the Paris Squad for a while, dropping hints like:

'Being parents will come around the corner.'

'Can't wait to see who is the first to have a baby, who knows it's might be us.'

'We can't wait to meet our little potato one day.'

'Nine months will fly by, the first one has for sure.'

'Little potato will be here soon.'

That's the one that gets Tara. Just for the record, we have decided to call our baby 'little potato' while they're not born. It just makes it a little less obvious we're talking about a baby if we talk about them in school.

"Wait, guys. Who is little potato?" She announces.

"Yeah, I've noticed you've been talking about a potato for a while now." Darcy agrees.

"Yeah, who is it?" The rest of the Paris Squad chime in.

Charlie and I share a look kind of saying 'Wow, we're really doing this.'

I look at the Paris Squad, "Little potato is our little baby."

Tao, Darcy and Imogen look a bit confused while the rest of them seem to understand.

"I'm pregnant." Charlie explains.

"And Nick's the Dad right, as well as you Charlie?" Imogen asks.

We nod and they all Juno up and give us a hug. All congratulating us. Except for Tao..Oh no.


Everyone seems to be so happy, except for Tao. The Paris Squad sit down and I can feel the tears forming in my eyes. I look down at my lap and I play with Nick's hand.

"Charlie." Tao says, "Look at me, please."

I look up at him and he places his hands out. I put my hands in his and he starts to talk again.

"I'm so happy for you. I know teen pregnancies can be hard but I want you to know that I will be here for you no matter what. Okay?"

I nod.

"And the rest of the Paris Squad are too. We all love you so much and nothing can change that. Not even forgetting to wear and condom while having drunk sex because there is now way that you were trying for a baby."

I'm stunned, "How do you know that?"

"Because I know you."

My eyes can't hold the tears anymore, the floodgates open and and I'm balling my eyes out. Tao stands up and walks over to me, pulls me up and into a hug. I knew Tao would have a different reaction to the squad but I didn't think it would be like this.

"I love you." I say in a really high pitched voice.

"I love you too."

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