Unexpected Couple

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Chapter 27

I had woken up in the middle of the night with a stomach ache, I had to run to the bathroom before it was too late.

"Are you okay Jill?" I heard Andy walk in.

"No, I woke up with a stomach ache and I had to run to the bathroom." I was leaning up against the shower; I was dizzy.

"You dont think you're pregnant do you?"


"No dad. I probably have the stomach flu, its been going around." I can't believe he thinks I would have a kid at this age! Good god, I'm not a fan of kids..

"If you want, we'll get a test to make sure."

"Dad, I'm not pregnant alright. You know how I feel about kids."
" Alright, alright, do you need anything?"

"A bottle of water please." He walked out of the bathroom and headed towards the kitchen. Within a few short seconds, he was back with a cold bottle of water. I swished some in my mouth, and spit it out.

I hope it is just the stomach flu...

-Hours Later-

I had gotten sick one more time before I went back to sleep. I had woken up to Andy and Ashley fighting over something.

"Are you kidding me Ashley! Why didn't you stop!!?" I heard Andy get louder.

"Why didn't you stop! You knew you didn't want a fucking a kid! But now you have Jillan!?!"

"That's not the fucking point Ashley! She's her friend! You can't do that!"

"Why not!? I'm a grown ass man!"

"You fucked up big time Ashley, get the fuck out!"

I didn't hear another word after that... I just heard the front door slam shut.

Andy never wanted a kid??

"Jake.. wake up." I shook him awake, I needed to talk to someone, and Andy was not the person.

"Huh? What? What's going on?"

"I just heard Ashley and Andy yelling... I think Ashley got my friend pregnant, or someone knocked up, and Ashley said that Andy never wanted a kid..." I felt tears rushing to the surface, I knew I was a mistake...

"He was young and stupid Jill. Everyone loves you, you know I do. Yes no one really wants a kid, but once one comes along, it all changes, that kid is loved by everybody it comes in contact with."

"This is why I love you." I kissed him and left the room to go talk to Andy...


"What." Geez bitchy much?

"Why did Ashley say you never wanted a child.."

"I was 16 Jillian, I love you alright, I was a stupid teenager. You wouldn't want a child either. Now go upstairs, get everyone up, and make sure everyone is ready by 12."

"Okay master." I said sarcastically.

I went to everyones room and gave them a rude wake up call.

When I got to Jake's room, I quietly got on top of him and started to kiss his neck.

"Wake up baby."

"I'm up I'm up."

"Good." At that, I stopped and walked out.

"Woah woah woah, get your ass back here."


"Cause I said."

I walked back and got on top again. I began to kiss him slowly, I moved my hands downward making him gasp.

Then all of a sudden I stopped, gave him one last kiss, and walked back out.

"You're such a tease!" He yelled.

"I know."

I was about ready when Andy had called every one down.

"Alright the reason why I called you all down is because Black Veil Brides is invited to the AP awards."

"Holy shit, are you serious??!" Jake asked.

"Yes, I wanted to ask you all, even you Jillan, if you wanted to go. We don't have to."

"Are you kidding me!?! Yes!!" I yelled out.

"Pack your bags everybody, we are going to the AP awards!"

We all rushed upstairs and packed as quickly as possible.

Surprisingly I was the first one ready.

"Everyone! The plane leaves for Ohio in two hours!!" I yelled through out the house.

I was so excited that I didn't even realize my phone had gone off a million times.
I saw that Becky had texted me.
B-I'm preggers. D:
B-Please text me back..
B-I can't tell my parents...
J-Hey sorry, I was packing for the AP awards, but I heard Andy and Ashley talking about it...
B-Oh.. Yeah, well I need someone to take me to the abortion clinic.
J- You are not getting a fucking abortion.
B-Fine. Then I'm moving in with Ashley.
J-That's better.
I put my phone down and dragged my stuff down to the living room. Every did as I did.
"Is everyone ready?" Andy asked before going out the door.
"Yup." I said.
We got into our cars, me being with Jake, we left first. We headed to LAX.
I thought to myself, what would happen in Ohio?

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