Chapter 10-Revenge

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Warning: Violence

 Nothing strange happened for a while. I was able to be at school and be normal. Occasionally, I would have weird moments in the bathroom like almost breaking the sinks or almost shifting inside of a bathroom stall. It pretty much started to feel like everyone had forgotten about what had happened the year before at the middle school. I wasn't being stared at strangely. On top of that, Lulu and I were officially dating. We weren't the "it" couple just yet, but we were equally popular due to our extracurricular activities. Then, the unexpected happened.

It was January of 2008. My friends and I decided to have a nightly hangout with the girls: Izabella, Lulu, Alice, Aliese, Trinity, Trixie, and her twin sister Cory. This is a night that I will never forget.

"Ugh. When are the others gonna be here?" Cory whined. She was lounging on my saucer chair.

"They should be here soon," I said.

"Is Josh gonna be here?" she curiously asked.

"No," I responded. "Why do you care 'bout dat boy so much? He's an ass."

"Umm well he's mah friend..."

"Yeah whatever."

I was convinced that Cory had a crush on Josh. She gawks at him like he's a piece of meat. They even hung out very often. It absolutely disgusted me.

"Cory, ah have a question," said Mike.


"Does Alice like anyone by any chance?"

Trixie and Cory glanced at each other and looked back at Mike.

"Umm no. Why?" Trixie answered.

"No reason," Mike snickered.

'You sneaky idiot.'


I hurried down the stairs, hearing the loud radiating sound of the doorbell. Mellissa wasn't home to open the door since she was working overnight. I opened the door to find the girls standing there.

"Howdy Jay," Aliese greeted me with a smile.

"Howdy," I greeted back. I pushed the door wide enough for them to come in. "Come in. I don't want y'all to freeze out here."

Izabella smiled and went past me with Aliese. Izabella was wearing matching sweat outfits with Lulu except hers was pink and not purple. Trinity followed them inside as Lulu came up and hugged me.

"Ugh. I don't want to see that," I heard Alice mumble. "You're lucky ah'm even here."

I looked over at her, noticing that she was holding Jaden, her little brother, who was 7 years old at the time.

"You brought him?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"We had to," Lulu answered for her.

"It's fine I guess," I responded, not actually being fond of a little kid being present.

Lulu kissed my cheek and we went in with Alice following behind, maintaining distance. We all switched spots around the room so everyone could have somewhere to relax. Alice and Aliese made themselves comfortable in the middle of my room on the freshly clean carpet floor. Trixie joined them on the floor as well. Cory remained seated in the saucer chair as Izabella squeezed into it with her. Mike, Lulu and I positioned ourselves on my bed with Jaden.

I scanned the room, having a feeling that someone was missing.

"Wait, where's Kevin? He was just here," I said.

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