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"thanks Vasco!" Jiho said "you guys know me? Do we go to school together" he asked "yup I study in the fashion department." Jiho said as little Daniel just stayed quiet "the one that transferred student is in?" He nodded at Vasco's question "that guy that beat up Zack Lee?" Jiho nodded again, Y/n looked at the two and smiled the two blushed in embarrassment. "Tell the new guy to stop screwing around" Vasco said with a tear coming out of his eye as Y/n comforted him as they walked away they could hear Vasco cry.

"Don't cry Vasco!" The two yelled that's how Daniel met Vasco. Jiho was being forced to do whatever Doo Lee wanted Jiho saw Daniel coming towards him "we have the same class right? Let's be friends." Daniel smiled as Zack entered the lunch room shocked at what he was seeing same for everyone in the lunchroom  the Vocal department showed up in the cafeteria as they watched the scene "I heard you lost to the pretty boy." Vin jin said chuckling "you drag along these ugly characters of course." He continues "I lost to the pretty boy but I could probably take you on" Zack said trying to look cool.

"And the rats you hang around with aren't pretty either" "are you saying Y/n's ugly?" Zack stopped for a second until he grew a vein on his forehead and walked up to Vin Jin and was about to punch him until
The architecture department showed up as well along with Y/n wearing their uniforms as she was sleeping on Vasco's back.
"Hey!" Daniel said excitedly
"That's the new guy maybe he's trying to start a fight" Jace whispered to Vasco as y/n woke up.

(It's that little guy from yesterday, also that tramp too is he dragging around the weaklings?..) Vasco thought annoyed as he walked over to Daniel "hello?" Daniel said confused "who are you do you know me?" He asked "you've never been taken down huh? Even if you're good looking and strong don't screw around" Vasco said and put his hand on Daniel's shoulder and pressed on it with great strength people called it the squeeze of death.

Daniel stood the squeeze of death not falling to his knees not giving up. Daniel grabbed his wrist and removed his hand from his shoulder "HOW" Y/n shouted as other people agreed with her too shocked. "let me clear the air, I'm sorry if I bothered you or if I did I meant someone else." Daniel said everyone was too shocked when he pulled his hand off of his shoulder so easily Zack smirked as Y/n watched things go down she got off of Vasco's back alerting him "oh hi Y/n" she yawned before speaking but then ended up yawning again "hi" she said.

Daniel grinned at the situation unintentionally. (If vasco loses to him he will disgrace the burn knuckles!) Jace thought immediately and got Vasco out of that situation as quickly as possible as the three left the lunch room from across the lunch room a purple haired male watched Daniel intrigued with what he'll do next.
The three troublemakers wanted to get as close to Daniel as possible and they asked him to hang out with them Daniel said yes quickly.

After school was over Y/n walked home noticing a car driving next to her "James" "hi, Y/n" she stared at them man but kept walking he drove by her on the street as she sighed in annoyance. "What do you want? Or I guess what does he want?" "He needs you to check up on the second affiliate things that need to be updated as told" he told her smiling she sighed in anguish "I'll drive you there no worries" James said as
Y/n nodded.

(That dang contract if I didn't sign it I wouldn't have lost him.. but what can I do? I'm the second daughter of Charles Choi)
Y/n thought

 but what can I do? I'm the second daughter of Charles Choi)Y/n thought

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