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Y/n Rose POV

I don't understand why they treat me this way, what have I done to deserve this? My name is Y/n Rose, but now I had a feeling that it wasn't my real name anymore. I'm 6 years old and I live with my family in Patch.
My family has been treating me like a slave, making me cook for them, doing all the house chores, and cleaning the house. But I get nothing in return, not even a thank you, or even anything at all, they just shove me around like I'm nothing to them.

My father Tai has been only neglectful and abusive towards me for the past few years of my life. The same goes for Raven and summer, they don't even treat me like I'm their son. They've been abusive and neglectful towards me in a used me like I'm a human punching bag. When I would ask for attention, they would either just ignore me or they would beat me. Even they would have my two sisters, Yang and Ruby beat me as well. When they are going out they leave me here to clean the house and if I miss one small thing I will get beaten by them. But it comes to training Ruby and yang, Raven takes me to her tribe to train with her so called people to beat me more. She didn't even train me I didn't even get a chance to even fight for myself or defend myself. I don't know what I did wrong to deserve all this hate from them.

Not even uncle Qrow cares about me. He doesn't even look at me at all, one time he threw a beer bottle at me for just looking at him for not even a second, and he would just laugh at me for crying in pain.

All I ever wanted was for my family to love me. Why do Ruby and Yang get all of the love? I wish Mommy and daddy would love me, I wanted to hang out and watch movies with my sisters like normal siblings. But no, only Ruby and Yang get all the love and attention. Right now I sit alone in my dirty room that was the size of a closet. I only had a worn out pillow and a dirty blanket to keep warm at night. My clothes were all torn and covered in blood from all the beating. I don't even have any extra clothes or any sets of clothes at all. The only other thing I had was a blue crystal necklace but it went missing a while ago.


Not wanting to make him even more mad, I got off my bed which was just a worn out dirty mattress, as soon I left my so called room, Tai was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, he had an angry look on his face, not wanting to make him more mad I just simply walked down the stairs.

When I made it to the bottom of the stairs he then punched me in the face which caused my face to hit the floor first.

Tai: "What took you so long, You piece of Shit!"

Y/n: "I'm sorry, I j-just got out of b-bed"

I held my cheek in pain from when he hit me. You see the kind of treatment I get from them? Nothing but cruel punishment for no reason.

Tai: "Y/n. Don't just lay there like trash and go do the dishes. Summer is busy with our precious Ruby to do them."

Y/n: "Y-Yes d-dad."

When I stood up he quickly hits me across the face.

Tai: "Don't call me that, you don't deserve to call me that ever. Now GO!

I quickly get up and run to kitchen only to be tripped by Raven who was in the kitchen drinking a bottle of beer.

Raven: "Watch where you're going brat!"

She yells at me before she walks out of the kitchen.

Trying my best not to cry from the pain. Not only my face hurts but now my leg hurts, it's either bruised or twisted. I try not to think of it much though as I forced myself to stand and went to the sink and started on the dirty dishes.

Frozen Heart (ABUSED and Neglected Male reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now