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Beauty POV:
The annoying sound of a phone ringing was what caused me to wake up. Trying to ignore it and enjoy my sleep, i was rudely disturbed again when the phone continued to ring.
Grabbing the phone I saw "Easy fi Fuck" was calling.
Turning his phone on Do not disturb and silencing all notifications i made my way to the kitchen.
Picking up a pot of ice cold water i made my way back into my room and ducked him with the water and started to hit him with a leather belt.
"Ahhh beauty a wah yah do dis fah" he hissed
" Drancro a wah yuh tek dis thing fah?" i asked
"Bout "easy fi fuck" a call yuh, aye bwoy mi will kill yuh inna dis innuh" i screamed and started to hit him harder.
Coming towards me he grabbed the belt and held my hands tightly.
"Beauty just put dung di belt and mek mi explain mi self nuh" he begged.
Giving him a blank stare i told him "speak"
"yuh know wah, mi deevn wah hear yuh voice, Come out".
"B just- "mi say mi come out." I ended cutting him off.
"ahh, wait how yuh fi a run mi outta my house?" he asked
"mi will lea- "yuh naah leff yasso" he ended.

"Come we guh watch tv" he smiled
"Guh watch tv wid "easy fi fuck" i told him walking off
"B mah tell yuh fi mek mi explain miself"
"Alright explain" i said turning to face him
"She was one girl weh mi and har use to do things, but mah tell yuh say mi nuh link none a dem from mi meet yuh."
"couple days ago don't change nun Ackeem"
"It's still a change" he answered
"Mi still vex wid yuh move" I pushed past him and went to get something to eat.

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a week later...

Back to Tianna's POVa week later

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Today is October 15th. The day of my grandmother's funeral.
We were currently on the outside waiting for the hearse to arrive with her body. "OHH WHEN WE ALLLLL GET TO HEAVEEENNNN WHAT A DAY OF REJOICING THAT WILL BEEEE" yea man di hearse a fawud.
"Jesus Christ Mary, den look how di hearse reach and mi deevn put on mi clothes yet, weh mi slip deh??
"Mi deevn know a who dead but mi just aguh fawud fi di free rum and food. Thank God dah smaddy yah dead, my belly full now" one mawga bwoy bawl out.

Shaking my head at their remarks I went inside the church and took a look at her body.

She did have har dirty ways dem but mi thankful fi everything weh she do fimmi innuh.
"Rest in peace grandma" i said silently and i went to my seat.

"We commend unto thy hands of mercy, most merciful Father, the soul of this our dear sister departed, and we commit her body to the ground, earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust ; and we beseech thine infinite goodness to give us grace to live in thy fear and love and to die in thy favour, that when the judgement shall come which thou hast committed to thy well-beloved Son, both this our brother and we may be found acceptable in thy sight. Grant this, O merciful Father, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our only Saviour, Mediator, and Advocate. Amen.

Walking away from the grave site, I made my way to where the food was being cooked.
"Miss Pearl, mi nuh get nuh food yet innuh" one old woman bawl out and mind you she have three food inna har hand a hide.

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