Chapter 9: A Familiar Face

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With a satisfied stomach, Ira reclined in her seat, sparing Elijah a quick grin while he cleaned up for her. Her smile made her jaw ache as anxiety hummed beneath the surface of her skin. There was a hint of the familiar thrill of having the freedom to do whatever she pleased. She tried recalling what she used to do when she finished work on time. Unfortunately, it had been so long ago that she'd forgotten it entirely. A slight drop in the edges of Ira's mouth caught Elijah's attention when he returned to their table.

"What's with the face?" He wondered, following the line that formed on her forehead as she glowered.

"I still don't know what to do with all this free time." Ira admitted it with a shrug.

"Well, you used some of your time to eat just now. And thank you for letting me share." Elijah added for good measure.

"It's the least I could do for my knight in scaly armor." She teased, moving her foot to brush their legs together underneath the table.

Elijah felt heat creep up his neck and toward his face.

Still at a loss for what to do, Ira turned to the questions floating around in her head, "What do you like to do with your free time? Any hobbies besides reading that I don't know of or remember?"

"Hmm," Elijah seemed to ponder for a long time. "I draw mostly sketches nowadays; I never had access to art supplies during my time away."

"Oh! Have you drawn anything recently?" Ira shot an amused look in his direction as Elijah shifted his legs away from hers.

"Before I arrived here, yes. But that's been lost." Elijah sighed, attempting to ignore the way Ira's touch had spread heat across his cheeks.

"Huh, I guess I'll have to get you a new sketchbook, then." Ira said it with a tone of complete and utter seriousness.

"Please don't; I already owe you enough." He screwed up his nose as a frown developed on Ira's face.

"You know you don't actually have to repay me, right?" Ira cocked her head while her question seemed to hover between them.

"Yes, I do." Elijah argued.

"I'm saying you don't." Ira countered.

Elijah's fists tightened as a result of Ira's response. The two share a challenging look; neither one willing to back down from this disagreement.

"You're literally spending time and money helping me, and you're seriously asking for nothing in return? That's...ridiculous! There has to be something." Elijah closed his eyes, silently cursing himself for saying such a thing.

"You know, what? Yes, there is something," Ira admitted, not giving Elijah a chance to speak. "It'll be the only thing you can repay me on."

"Go on, then." Elijah gestured for her to continue.

"Give me the keys you stole." Ira ordered, her palm facing out toward Elijah.

"Again, how is this asking for something in return?" Elijah asked, fearful of the thoughts he'd have as soon as his hand made contact with Ira's.

"I asked you for the keys, and you gave them to me. So, now I'm repaying the favor." Ira shrugged, nonchalantly toying with the keys in her hand.

"First of all, you demanded I hand over the keys. Second of all, that's not how this works-" Elijah immediately shut his mouth, unable to finish his sentence as he felt Ira's foot brush against his ankle.

"And, how does this work?" Ira gave him a deadpan look.

"Well, for starters, it... Uhm," Elijah stammered, unable to finish his sentence while Ira crawled underneath the table. "I just think it's unfair."

It took all of Elijah's strength to not pull away from Ira's touch and jump out of his seat. The heat from Ira's hands on his ankle sent a shiver down his spine. Eventually, the heat rose to his cheeks as he envisioned what Ira looked like kneeling underneath a table.

"What are you doing?" He asked, hearing the sound of keys ringing.

"I'm trying to get this thing off of you." Ira tugged on the brace for emphasis.

Elijah's lips twitched at the sensation.

"Ahem, did you find one that works?" Elijah swallowed thickly, as he braced his sweaty palms on the table in front of him.

"Not yet; there's only three left. By the way, we're going to have to figure out a way to return these to Officer McShitFace." Ira said, carrying on with her task.

"Cute nickname." Elijah leaned back in his seat to cast Ira an amused look.

"Thanks, I made it up myself." She returned the glance as she smiled at the look on Elijah's face.

Elijah heard a click, and then his whole body felt sore. He rounded his shoulders, letting his head fall forward onto the table in front of him. It was nice to have magic back in his system. The surge of power felt like a wave of fresh air, which definitely helped cool off the flush from his cheeks.

"Yes! How are you feeling?" Ira said, raising an eyebrow after crawling back into her seat.

"I feel great, like I just took a nice cold shower." Elijah's expression was filled with bliss.

"Glad to hear it." Ira pocketed the keys and ankle brace. "So, since we're way ahead of schedule on our plan... Can you finally tell me what your plan is regarding me adding sound and smell to my illusions?"

"Mhm, can't I enjoy just another minute of peace?" Elijah groaned, refusing to look up at Ira.

"You can enjoy it and talk to me, you know." She countered.

"Alright, so this might be out of the question..." Elijah lifted his head and made sure to keep his face carefully emotionless.

"Oh boy." Ira tried to hide the cringe that surfaced as a result of Elijah's choice of words.

"But what if instead of waiting for the wards to go down, we make them go down?" Elijah's wicked grin would have easily lit up the room.

"I don't have that kind of magic, and you're unfortunately not entirely in control of yours, apparently." Ira allowed herself to gesture wildly between them.

"We make the wards go down by pretending to start a fire." His face remained impassive.

"Huh..." Ira blinked, considering Elijah's idea for a moment. "Actually, that might work. They'd have to turn on emergency protocol and lower the wards. But it could get out of hand."

"Illusionary fire, of course; I know you wouldn't agree to actual arson, detective." Elijah said, squinting at Ira.

"At this point? I'm considering the real deal." Ira grumbled.

"Wow, no wonder you're helping a bastard like me." Elijah smiled, seeming unphased by Ira's change in demeanor.

"I never claimed to be a saint." Ira said, pointing an accusing finger toward Elijah.

"You could have fooled me." Elijah shrugged, looking at Ira, who honestly kept exceeding his expectations.

"Yeah, well, I would have joined in on your little scheme of lacing my food with peppers had I not been asleep. I can't believe the day went by so fast." Ira drew in a breath.

"The day seemed to go by fast because you slept through most of it, Lagear. But, for good reason, it was deserved." Elijah said it with a tone of genuine care.

"Are you tired at all?" Ira asked, examining Elijah's face for any indication of fatigue.

"Hardly." He lied, though his tiredness didn't come from his own doing but rather from Ira's calming presence.

"Then, do you think you can handle a test run on your shape shifting now that your ankle brace is off? To see if you've got it handled or not?"

"The results might not be what we expect. I could very likely get us caught if I transform into a gargantuan dragon." Elijah's voice held a fair amount of anxiety.

"Damn, I guess size really does matter in this context." Ira said, trying not to laugh at her own joke.

"Oh no, I really have rubbed off on you, haven't I?" Elijah lowered his head into his palms, ashamed at the thought.

"That's what I like to call getting a taste of your own medicine." Ira sneered.

"Right, so... Should we start now?" Elijah sheepishly, forgetting how to breathe for a moment.

"In here?" Ira's eyes widened a bit.

"What's wrong with this room? It's not a dead zone." For all he knew, it was the perfect spot.

"Oh, so you want us to get caught and have people watch?" Ira teased, causing heat to climb up Elijah's entire body.

"No, I just hadn't considered the fact that a lot of people use this room, and it would look suspicious if we locked ourselves in here... again." Elijah's face wrinkled in embarrassment.

"Thankfully, I know a place, and I'm sure she won't mind us crashing there." Ira added as she got up from her seat.

"Why do I get the feeling that this place belongs to my pepper dealer." Elijah peeled himself off the seat to be at Ira's side as they departed.

"You forgot her name, already?" Ira sounded genuinely shocked.

"No, I know it's Jordan. She did make a good impression on me by getting the hottest pepper in the district." Elijah answered, letting his mischievous smile reach his eyes.

"You two are so evil for that." Ira chuckled at the newfound information that Elijah had basically made a new friend.

"It was for a good cause." Elijah said, arms crossed.

"I didn't say it was a bad thing." Ira said when Elijah cast her a disbelieving look.

Elijah felt a lump in his throat grow as the fierce red eye settled on his face. Ira's words hung heavy in Elijah's ears, lulling him into a strange sensation of floating. The pair walked down a quiet hallway in the precinct, their eyes glued to each other. They were so close, Elijah could feel their hands brush against each other with every step he took. He paid no attention to their surroundings; his focus was on Ira and no one else. He felt his heart beat faster with each moment.

The moonlight seeped through the windows, which illuminated the dark hall, casting strange shadows across Ira's face, adding to the intensity of her presence. At some angles, however, it perfectly highlighted the soft, round features of her visage. If Elijah hadn't glanced away, he would have tripped on the steps right in front of him. Together, their footsteps echoed off the walls, filling the space with their presence. They continued walking side by side; the quiet atmosphere was only interrupted by the sound of their breathing. They were silent, not speaking a word. Elijah didn't mind; it felt natural, as if they were meant to be together, roaming these halls. Their connection was almost palpable in the quiet solitude of the precinct.

As their endless stroll through the empty precinct continued, Elijah's anxiety was evident on his face. He glanced at Ira like she were the stars in the sky. The hands that were once by his side were now in front of him and balls in fists, as if he were concerned about her approval and judgment. He didn't want to fail her, and the thought of letting her down made him nervous. When they finally arrived at their destination, he lowered his head, making him look even more uncertain and anxious about their current situation. Elijah was trying to hide his nervousness from Ira, his hands fidgeting with the buttons of his sleeve and his fingers playing with the hem of his shirt nervously.

What if this went horribly wrong? What if he couldn't transform? As Ira opened the door to Jordan's office, Elijah's heart was beating in his ears, and he could feel the sweat on his palms. In contrast, Ira was calm and collected, giving off an air of confidence and composure that drew Elijah to her. Suddenly, Elijah pushed past Ira into the room, his footsteps echoing off the walls. He was frantic and nervous, searching for something desperately and looking through cabinets and drawers as if he were running out of time.

Ira watched him with a concerned expression on her face, wondering what was making him so anxious and worried. His demeanor was so different from the calm and composed manner she was used to; it was almost like she was looking at a stranger.

"What are you doing?" She questioned, closing the door behind her.

"Looking for alcohol. It could be wine or champagne, I'm not picky. What about you?" Elijah ran his hand through his hair, feeling the buildup of anxiety.

"I don't drink, and why would Jordan have any in her office?" Ira squinted, attempting to play out a scenario in her head where Jordan might be in possession of such an item.

"I don't know... to share with her wife on long nights at work?" Elijah threw his hands up in the air, turning away from Ira.

"Fair point, but why are you looking?" Ira replied, stepping closer to Elijah.

"I need a drink to... calm my nerves." He admitted, guiding himself as far away as he could get from Ira.

"Okay, first off, I told you, no shortcuts! And second off, don't you have the constitution of an ox? It would take an entire liquor store to get you drunk." Ira raised a questioning eyebrow.

"I'm not trying to get drunk! Tipsy, at best." Elijah said.

"Half a liquor store." Ira corrected herself with an eye roll.

"How do you even remember that about me?" Elijah blinked at her.

"It's hard to forget when half of our graduating class got poisoned by a failed love potion, and you were one of the few who weren't affected." Ira said, offering a knowing smile.

"That's right! I remember now, some dipshit was trying to get his crush to fall for him, so he made her cookies. I don't think he expected her to share it with the whole class." Elijah chuckled. "Or, the fact that the quality of the potion was so bad it had the opposite effect."

"Can you blame him, though? Love potions are banned for a reason; he's lucky he was able to find a recipe and try to replicate it."

"It's no wonder you were acting so strangely toward me that day. A potion that makes you hate the person you love or love the person you hate was a recipe for disaster." Fondness sparked through him anew, and Elijah straightened his spine at the memory of Ira's drugged-induced confession. "Isn't that also around the time we became friends? After you spent the day being absolutely smitten with me."

"Don't give me that tone of voice, you know I was drugged!" Ira teased.

"I know, I know. And, who could blame you, I'm definitely the type to get stuck in people's thoughts. I mean, isn't that why you came to hate me so much until a failed love potion made you fall for me?" Elijah chuckled.

"And, somehow you never left!" Ira said, looking amused and annoyed at the same time.

Elijah received a pat on the back that made him stagger and bend over the desk he was searching. Ira tried not to laugh at how badly she underestimated her strength as Elijah cast a glare over his shoulder. She gave him a cheeky grin that reminded him of a younger version of herself that he was once fond of.

"I'm glad to know I'm still in your thoughts, but could you be a bit gentler?" He admonished, half-heartedly.

"I have something inappropriate to say, but I'm not you, so I won't." Ira stared at Elijah, and kept a straight face, attempting to hide her delight.

"That didn't stop you earlier." Elijah narrowed his eyes playfully.

"It does now. You've stalled long enough; come on." Ira gestured to the couch and urged him to come sit with her.

"I can't." He protested.

"You haven't even tried." She groaned.

"I already know I can't, I told you earlier about... I'm just afraid that if I transform, I'll forget how to turn back into," Elijah gestured to his current body, "Well, me!"

"Don't be silly!" Ira leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees. "You can start by trying to turn into people we know. Preferably, Brian, since it'll make your escape easier if people see him leaving to do something."

"Ugh, do I have to?" Elijah huffed, turning away from Ira once more.

"Yes, and no. I mean, who else would you turn into?" Ira's expression twisted into something of a sneer.

"Anyone but that asshole." Elijah replied.

"Okay, fine, do you have a better idea?" Appearing annoyed and impatient, Ira sunk back into the couch with a sigh.

"Nope." He said, making sure to pop the 'P'.

"Oh my god!" Ira groaned, throwing her face into the palms of her hands. "You know what? Fine. Let's just try practicing shifting into... anything for a start."

"Mind telling me what this entity called 'Anything' looks like?" Elijah gave Ira a shit-eating grin.

"Listen, Elijah," Ira admonished with a tone that made Elijah shiver involuntarily. He would never admit how much he enjoyed the use of his first name in such a manner. "If you don't want to take this seriously, I can leave."

"No! ... No." Elijah shifted where he stood, and Ira could see his breath hitch. "Okay, I'll try."

"Thank you."

Elijah closed his eyes and tried to picture Commander Brian's form in his mind, but his memories were hazy. He recalled the rage and disgust he had for the man and how he mistreated Ira, but little else. In his mind, Brian was a cold and cruel person, which was reflected in the details of his face. The scowl the commander always wore twisted and sank deeper into the man's skin, showing his age. Even attempting to recall the shrill, snarky voice of the commander made Elijah recoil.

"Ugh, I can't." Elijah grimaced, rubbing the palms of his hands across his face.

"Okay... okay. Let's try again, maybe with something easier?"

"I'll... think of something."

Once more, Elijah attempted to picture something—anything that wouldn't upset him as soon as he thought of it. His mind pulled itself towards whatever would make him feel warm, safe, and happy. As he began to focus, Elijah could see Ira's face with her soft smile and her kind, gentle gaze. In the memory, her red eye glistened, seemingly sending his heart fluttering. She looked at him with understanding and compassion, as if she understood his feelings and accepted him for who he was. The memory continued, and those warm, gentle words, coupled with that smile, made Elijah feel safe and secure. He felt like he could face whatever the world threw at him, as long as Ira was there by his side.

Elijah let himself become lost in thought, the soft warmth and gentle aura of Ira flooding his mind with comfort and security. He wanted to hold on to that image, to have it as a memory he could treasure forever. The affection he felt for her was overwhelming, and he couldn't help but sigh softly as he took it all in. He could almost hear her laugh in his head, and the sound filled him with joy. Ira's laughter was contagious and vibrant, and Elijah took a deep breath as his own laughter interlaced with hers. Their voices danced around in his head as Elijah felt that his body was beginning to change. He became taller and thinner, losing some of his distinct physical traits, such as the animal-like ears. The small details of her scars began to appear on his face, and his hair grew shorter and darker until it was the color of the night sky.

"This is so strange." Ira voiced, staring at an almost completely identical version of herself.

The only difference was in their eyes. Though Elijah got it to be exactly the right shade, both of his eyes remained, including the vertical pupils.

"Is it wrong for me to wonder how accurate it is-" Ira's eyes drifted downward.

"Wow, and you think I'm a freak, detective?" Elijah said this while watching Ira lift her gaze back up to meet his.

"I... Well, Hmm." Ira glanced back down once more. "This could work."

"How so?" Elijah spun once, examining himself in a baffled manner.

"Can you replicate or change clothes too?" Ira asked while deep in thought.

"That is a whole other form of magic. Shifting is in my nature, but to trans-"

"Okay, so I'll just get an extra pair of clothes then." Ira said.

"I'm afraid I'm not understanding what you're getting at here." Elijah forced himself not to scowl.

"If you can fix the eye problem, " Ira pointed a finger to his face and made circles in the air to emphasize her point, "I can cause the fire, get the wards down, and you can transform into me and leave. Because no one really cares or notices where I go anyway."

Elijah snapped his fingers at her statement, nodding in approval. "Exactly!"

"Ouch, that kind of hurts how fast you agreed to that, but... I guess it works out in our favor, so I can't be too hurt over it." Ira could see a hint of mirth hidden behind the familiar face that Elijah currently wore.

"I know a way to cheer you up." Elijah's vivid red eyes watched as Ira's face dropped in horror.

"Don't you dare." Ira snapped, with no real venom behind her tone.

"I haven't done anything yet." Elijah raised his hands as a sign of good faith.

"Yet, I know that look. I know what's coming."

Elijah quirked an eyebrow at Ira.

"Don't do it-" Ira said, but it was too late.

"Ello, there! My name is Ira Ann Lagear, and I'm so tired all the time despite drinking entire pots of black coffee. My taste buds must be broken because it literally tastes like dirty water. Also, I pretend like my humor is actually funny to other people, when I'm actually the only one who laughs at it." A smug grin stretched across Elijah's face. "Oh! And did I mention how much I love coffee?"

"Good lord, that cannot be how I sound." Ira hid her flushed face behind her hands. "Do I really sound like that?"

"I guess you could say, it's... Ira-onic!" Elijah attempted.

"How dare you!" Ira said it in faux shock.

"I dare happily, thank you very much." Elijah bowed triumphantly.

"You're so annoying." Ira's grumble was muffled by her hands.

"Then I've done my job well." Elijah said, noticing the way Ira's eye peaked out from her fingers to watch him.

At that very moment, Ira was his friend. He relished under her attention and the knowledge that he could have such an influence on her. So, when Elijah found himself willing to attempt another shift change, he was more than happy to give into the impulse. Elijah closed his eyes once more and continued to let his thoughts of Ira form in his mind. It was like a warm hug, and he felt like he could hide in her arms and forget about the world.

In that moment, Ira witnessed her companion shift into a cat-sized dragon. Ira's hand settled at her sides as she nervously gripped the couch cushions. The last time she had seen this form, it had been ten times larger, and she had been at the mercy of his gaping maw. Elijah stared at Ira, not completely recognizing her panicked expression. Instead, he interpreted the look as one of initial shock.

'Rawr.' Elijah telepathically said, causing Ira to jolt.

"Oh my." Ira gave Elijah a sideways look, heavily coated in fear and interest. "How... scary?"

'I'll show you scary.' He teased as he prepared himself.

Elijah, in his cat-sized dragon form, lunged for Ira's feet, his tiny teeth sinking into the toe of her shoe. He attempted to tug it off of her foot, but it was too large for his mouth. As a result, he struggled to get a good grip on it. In response, Ira laughed with her whole chest, amused by the small dragon's attempts to pull off her shoe. She bent down to pet Elijah, who was still chewing. He chittered as her fingertips scratched his head, finally letting go of the footwear. The scene was both comical and endearing, with Elijah's antics. She wasn't sure what brought on this silly outburst, but she appreciated it nonetheless.

Secretly, Elijah beamed, his heart running marathons at the sound of Ira's laughter. He did that. Before he could revel in the sensation, Ira scooped up Elijah in her arms and cradled him like a house pet. His tiny size made him easy to hold and hug, and Ira was gentle with him, knowing he likely hadn't been held like that before. In that moment, Elijah felt safe and warm, shielded from doubts or danger.

"Alright, it's late. I hope you got that energy out of your system because I don't think I can handle anymore of it." Ira found herself chuckling. "It's nap time now, so behave."

Though she was mostly teasing, Elijah immediately settled down. And he realized that, unfortunately, Ira's presence helped him sleep far better than if he were alone. So he let himself drift into a state of unconsciousness. She listened to the gentle, rhythmic breathing emanating from Elijah. She watched the steady rising and falling of Elijah's tiny form atop her chest as she lowered herself down across the full length of the couch. She felt her heart beat so hard that she worried it might disturb Elijah and rouse him from his sleep. But the realization that Elijah felt safe enough to fall asleep like this grounded her. It was no surprise that vulnerability felt like a difficult task for Elijah. Knowing he chose her to be comfortable around was an overwhelming yet strangely humbling thought.

Ira took a deep breath and closed her eye. They both needed their rest, and the sound of Elijah's rhythmic breathing was already lulling her to sleep. She was about to sleep comfortably until she felt a transformation happening as Elijiah shifted back. Ira did not want to disturb him, despite the new, heavy weight on her chest. Instead, she held him close as he slept. As he slept on Ira's shoulder, his breathing was steady, and he looked peaceful. The memories of their day together still filled her mind, and Ira, once more, attempted to sleep. It was clear that they were exhausted and had been working hard for a long time. The comfort and security of finally being able to rest were apparent—the image of them sleeping together looked like something out of a picture book. It was a sweet reminder of just how close they had become despite being so many years apart.

It was the next day when Jordan quietly entered her office and was surprised to find Elijah and Ira sleeping peacefully on her couch. It was a tranquil scene, and they looked so peaceful together. The pair were so deep in sleep that they hadn't even noticed her entering. Jordan watched with a smile, taking in the sight of them together. She couldn't help but notice how well they seemed to fit together. The way they leaned against each other and looked cozy and comfortable was endearing, and she was happy to see them looking so peaceful. Which is why it pained her to shake them awake, apologetically informing them that she was about to have a meeting with Commander Brian in her office. That was enough information for Ira to jolt awake and immediately begin replacing the ankle brace back onto Elijah, much to his dismay. Jordan left the two to quickly freshen up while she fetched some files.

"That was fun while it lasted." He grumbled, his voice still thick with sleep.

Ira shivered at the sound before standing up to stretch.

"You know, I think I could go for-" Ira began to say.

"A coffee? I'll get it." Elijah looked at Ira, fondly.

"Thanks, it can wait though after this meeting." Ira smiled before it fell from her face entirely when Brian entered the room.

"You two need to leave." Brian said, looking at Elijah suspiciously and ignoring Ira. "And, aren't you supposed to be in your room? I'm supposed to be notified of your damn location."

"What does it even matter? You need me in this case as a consultant, and I'm conveniently here on time for a meeting. Be thankful, I'm never this early." Elijah rolled his eyes, unaffected by Brian's foul mood.

When Jordan had returned with the results of the autopsy, Elijah immediately snatched the written report out of her hands. With just four people in the room, he didn't need anyone's permission to act as he pleased. The upward curve of his lips suggested he was satisfied with what he saw, but there was something strange about his expression. Ira could have sworn he looked a bit disappointed.

While Jordan attempted to go over her findings, Elijah made a show of interrupting each time with a long and drawn-out yawn.

"Why don't you brief us, Elijah? Since you clearly care so much about this report." Brian sighed, shaking his head.

Elijah didn't care to answer.

"Anyways, as I was saying... He was given Flame Dust through injection, and I found a puncture wound around his neck. Also, most of his organs were completely gone by the time I cut him open." Jordan explained as she stood behind Elijah to glance over at the file in his hands.

"What does that mean?" Brian asked, looking very concerned.

His question went ignored as Elijah turned towards Jordan.

"How much Flame Dust was in his bloodstream?" Elijah inquired, his lips pursing tightly while he pointed to Jordan's report.

"Enough to destroy nearly all of his organs." Jordan answered.

"Will you just answer me?" Brian snapped abruptly.

"Selling someone's organs because they have value is a black market practice, is it not?" Elijah questioned while rolling his eyes at the obvious answer. "Except, certain organs were probably damaged by the potency of the drug. If he was injected straight into his bloodstream, his heart definitely would have sustained damage, thus making it unsellable."

"I don't care how he took the damn drugs; I care about finding-" Brian began to say, before being cut off by Elijah's irritated outburst.

"I'm impressed at how stupid you can be! I'm trying to give you a second lead. The drugs-" Elijah began, only to be interrupted.

"Enough about the drugs!" Brian shouted. "You're starting to sound like Lagear."

Elijah snorted in annoyance before forcefully handing Jordan her report. "You don't see it, do you?"

"What are you getting at?" Brian sounded more than frustrated at this point. He swallowed thickly, forcing himself to wait for Elijah's response instead of forcing it out of him.

"The detective," Elijah pointed towards Ira, "has a point that you're ignoring!"

The aura of the room began to sink as Brian and Elijah scowled at each other. Elijah stepped closer to be at Ira's side and narrowed his eyes to study the commander. He held back the urge to punch the man as a growl caught in his throat. There was something off about the way Brian kept treating Ira, even if it wasn't her job to investigate. Ira seemed to have the same reaction, but maybe there was no indication of speaking up.
"I'll put the file away since we're done briefing." Jordan announced to break the awkward silence, turning away from the conflict.

"I just want to wrap this case up as quickly as I can so I can focus on other matters." Brian said, looking at Elijah suspiciously.

"Yes, because this has been nothing but an inconvenience to you." Ira mumbled, before sharing a glance with Elijah.

"Commander Brian!" A voice shouted.

"Hi! What brings you here?" Jordan greeted her as she turned to her smaller, dark-skinned counterpart, who was standing in front of her. It was her wife, Lisa Walker, Brian's second-in-command.

"I have an update on the crematoriums...and Jordan, can the pet names wait until we're in the privacy of our own home?" Lisa looked away embarrassingly, hiding behind her white braids.

"Someone better tell me something now before I go find out for myself!" Brian demanded, his voice holding a warning.

"Sir, three of the five crematoriums under investigation have been burned down, the cause is unknown. Any traces of evidence have been unidentifiable thus far."

Jordan frowned as she brushed her wife's hair back from her face behind her ear. The tension in Lisa's shoulders eased just a bit.

"Definitely should look for a new lead, then." Ira chimed in quietly, getting a hum of agreement from Elijah in return.

"Of fucking course." Brian breathed, having no patience to deal with a case of sabotage. "Walker, with me. I want to see the crime scene myself."

"Yes, sir. I will lead the way." Lisa said, kissing Jordan goodbye.

Brian sighed, rubbing the palm of his hand against his brow in irritation. He reluctantly turned to Lisa and gestured for her to step out. After a few moments, Ira nervously left the office as well, with Elijah following her out.

"You should come with me." Elijah said once they were out of earshot of Brian.

"Where?" Ira questioned with a skeptical expression.

"I don't know, whenever the clues lead us. We can talk to the local dealers to see if they know anything about flame dust. You can prove you were right, and then I can go on my merry way." His thoughts always seemed to gravitate toward her.

Elijah couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. He realized that he didn't know what he would do if he didn't have her by his side. He had wanted his freedom so badly, but was it worth it if he couldn't spend it with her? It was a question that he didn't want to face, but he had to. If this were their last adventure, he'd make it memorable. Selfishly, this was what he truly wanted.

"No way. I'm not a detective, Elijah." Ira argued, pursing her lips and looking away in resignation.

"But, you can pretend! At least for now." Elijah pointed it out.

"Why, though?" Ira's hand twitched in anticipation. She'd be lying if the idea didn't seem somewhat enticing.

"It'll be fun!" Elijah turned his body wildly towards Ira, stopping her in her tracks.

"Fun? Talking to drug dealers doesn't actually fit my definition of fun." Ira placed a palm on Elijah's shoulder and gently shoved him out of her way.

"Oh, so you'd rather do more random paperwork?" He caught her by her bicep and flashed a toothy smile.

Ira opened her mouth to protest, but found it difficult to form a coherent argument in response.

"Fine, you have a point." Ira simply nodded. "Give me two days, and I'll embrace my role as an arsonist detective."

"And, I'll practice becoming you. It'll be easy." Elisha teased, which resulted in Ira's infamous eye roll.

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