From Worse to Fubar

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In the Schnee Manor, Weiss has finished treating an unconscious Nora injuries as best she can. Nora talks in her sleep. While you and Silver assist in the best way you can.

Nora: "Now what am I good for?" she mumbles in her sleep

Weiss brushes a lock of Nora's hair out of her face. Ruby and Blake enter the room, hot drinks in hand.

Ruby: "How is she?"

Weiss: "I've done what I can, but she needs a doctor."

Weiss goes over to join her friends, accepting a cup from Ruby.

Blake: "Hopefully, May's able to reach the others. I'm... I really hope they're okay."

Blake glances out of the window at the Atlesian night sky, where distant red lightning can be seen flashing periodically.

Silver: "Salem's monster is making Grimm faster than the Atlas military can kill them. The city won't stand a chance unless we stop it."

Ruby: "It's massive. Way bigger than a leviathan. What can we even do?"

Weiss: "Can't (Y\N) drop a lightning storm on them?" settling into a chair by the fireplace.

Y\N: "If we had time and or if we had a mountain of electric dust. Something like that is just to big for me to kill"

Weiss: "Penny launched Amity and our message went out. Do we just wait for someone to come? If they even come."

Ruby stares morosely at her cup, red lightning lighting up her reflection in the liquid within.

Ruby: "How did it all get like this?"

May enters the room.

May: "Fiona said your friends haven't been heard from in a while. Unfortunately, the last thing they're worried about is a couple of kids. Come on, I've got the ship ready to head back and-"

Weiss hurriedly gets to her feet, setting aside her cup.

Weiss: "What? We can't leave."

May: "It's chaos at the crater. Atlas has its army, but Mantle only has us. People are dying."

Weiss: "People are dying here, too. Don't you have family in Atlas?"

May: "No. Mantle needed me, and to the Marigolds, that meant I wasn't their son anymore. And I made sure that everyone knew that I wasn't their daughter. So forget 'em. They've got Henry, yours have Whitley. You get what I'm saying."

Weiss: "I don't know about-"

May angrily turns to face Weiss.

May: "Which side are you on, anyway?"

Blake: "We've heard that before."

May steps toward Blake to confront her, but Ruby chimes in.

Ruby: "There are no sides! We want to help everyone. We're all facing Salem together. And together is the only way we're going to get out of it."

May: "So, how exactly do we get out of it?"

Y\N: "I'm trying to work that out"

May: "Not fast enough"

Yall leave the room so your arguing doesn't wake Nora, descending the central staircase.

Silver: "Wait, what about Qrow and Robyn? Well, maybe if we can get them out of wherever they're being held, they could–"

May clutches her forehead in frustration.

May: "No, see, you just don't get it! This is not a situation where everyone wins. Now, you all can come with me to help in Mantle, or I can drop you off near the front lines, if you still want to help Atlas. His dad and Robyn can't save us. We have to choose. So choose."

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