Theres dark

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Harry's pov:
"Hello kids" Lucius says, more like a psychotic professor then a death eater. He really has the audacity to call us kids? He's a fucking sell out, a coward, a corrupt hollow shell of a man that's to focused on his blood supremacy then what's really going on around him.

I'm irritated beyond belief and was impatient with the fact that he should have just killed us by now. I mean this is why they keep losing, they asked questions first and strike later. If I was a death eater, a horrible thought I know, but if I was one why would I wast my time on small talk when MY life is in the line.

"Lucius, Bella, Severus" I say without bothering to acknowledge the younger Malfoy who was shifting uneasily from foot to foot. "So, you gonna kill us now or do you want to go over your whole diabolical scheme first, cause I got places to be, dark lords to kill so if we could hurry up that would be brilliant"
I finished. Hermione and Ron gave me a annoyed look. I know it wasn't wise to tempt them but if we're still alive it has to be for a good reason and I doubt if they kill us right now they'll live.

Lucius looked unamused and murderous. I shifted in my chair as I waited for there response. The room was lit up again and I studied as much of it as I could.
I noticed chins where my seat was and i knew i would be in them soon.

"How dare you speak to us like-"
Bellatrix started but Lucius gave her a sharp look and she gave she gave him a stone cold stare but stoped
"We're not here to kill you, not yet at least."
Lucius said
I was confused but listened
"We're here to make a deal, a deal in which could get you all out alive."
He finished
I was astonished by what he said but I wasn't daft and knew there was a catch

"What kind of deal?"
Ron I asked
"as you probably know of the deathly hollows yes? Well there real and so is the elder wand. And one person has it. Dumbledore. Get it from him, bring it to our lord and you'll be free to go."
He finished

I heard of the deathly hollows only once at the Weasleys. And I know that the elder wand is the most powerful wand to ever exist, so why dose he think we will just fork it over to the darkest wizard of all time? They are out of there bloody mind if they think we would EVER work for them!

This is just about the dumbest shit I've ever heard. "You've got to be joking? You really think we would go on a Wild goose chase, put OUR lives on the line, AND betray the light side?"
I asked
Ron and Hermione nodded behind me
"Well not without leverage"
Snape says
I was about to ask what he meant but a cruse hit my body like a hell storm and I recognized it as crusio
I didn't make a noise or move besides from my eyes closing tightly and my body seizing up
I didn't want to make a noise I couldn't I would just get more punished if I did

*Flashback* ⚠️ abuse ⚠️
Vernon yelled as he took off his belt and folded it into a whip. It was after I got back to privet drive the year Cedric died. I burnt the food for dinner while having a memory of him. Vernon took his belt and hit me across the face, I put my hands up to block my face and he kicked me down to the ground and continued to beat me white his foot, hand, belt, anything he could reach really. I was silent beside the tears that leaked down my bruised face. Somewhere between hitting me he kicked my ribs breaking more then couple.

The sound resonated in my mind before I heard it out loud, it was ringing in my head like a bomb when I'm reality it was a SMALL scream.
He hit me after that with such force I passed out, Then hit me again later because I passed out. Never have I made a noise again.

*end of flashback*
Tears leaked down my face, my head thrown back in pain and yet I didn't make a sound. I heard the faint screams of Hermione and Ron behind me fade as I was swallowed by a darkness behind my eyes. Before I could slip into unconsciousness the curse ended and my head dropped in front of me.

I was panting like a dog as Lucius smirked in front of me. "So is it a deal?" He asked coldly
I couldn't respond so Hermione did.
"Just- please give us time!" She pleaded. The 4 death eaters apparently took pity and agreed, "you have 24 hours to make a decision. If you fail to do you you will be killed understand? Oh and by the way if you do decide to get the wond it will be Weasley and granger only, we can't have our saviour running away now can we?"

My eyes widened the size of the moon. "What!?" I yell "I don't think he stuttered" Bella replied. "Your all insane!" I say with infuriated "you dare speak to us like that?!? You filthy half blood!"
Bellatrix screamed insanely loud. Her voice echoed around the murky room and erupted in my ears causing me to flinch. Malfoy (draco) looked startled, his head still down and a displeased expression lingering on his pale face.

"I'll talk to you however I want to!" I shrieked back. I was furious, we were stuck here being tortured and threatened. Unsurprisingly this was almost a weekly occurrence so I was not surprised when another curse hit me.

"Crusio!" Yelled Bella
I stared ahead. Eyes open face still and tears in my frozen eyes. Of course it hurt, it's not like it was a nice feeling I just couldn't show it hurt. It was almost like my body physically couldn't react to the gushing pain that flooded though out my veins. Almost like my I was tied to a brick and thrown in the ocean, trying and failing to swim up to safety.
Once the curse ended I saw the astounded
Looks on the four death eaters faces. I could HEAR the pain of my two best friends behind me. "HARRY! Are you okay?!" Asked Ron nervously. I took a gaping breath and replied "yeah-" I tried but ended in a coughing fit "yeah I'm fine"

The younger Malfoy let out a breath that he seemed to not know he was holding.
"... just think about your options and we'll be back tomorrow" Lucius said still looking shocked. With that the four exited the room and I finally responded by letting out a chocking sob. "HARRY! Are you alright harry look at me!" Hermione said. "Mate please.." Ron pleaded. I slowly moved my practically limp head up and tried to turn to look at the two. "I-I'm alright don't worry" I responded to there concerned faces. They both nodded and let out low breaths. I finally asked the question no one dared speak "What are we going to do?"

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