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I'm working on my writing and want to improve so if y'all have any suggestions please let me know!
Introducing a new oc this chapter!

Harry's POV:
I always thought fear was its own weakness, if your afraid of dying then your afraid of not knowing what happens after life, if your afraid of the dark then your only afraid of what lurks in the darkness, if your afraid of car rides then your afraid of getting into a accident. But fear itself can't be explained, if you're afraid of being afraid then the only outlook on that is you're afraid of being weak.

I know I'm a Gryffindor and I know I'm "brave" but that doesn't mean I'm not afraid. Being brave doesn't mean that you like the dark or spiders or the fact that you may die, being brave is knowing all this and yet choosing to stand tall. At least that's what I've tried to do for so long.

Yes I'm brave but the truth is I've never faced my fears. I've battled dark lords, I've slang dragons, ive charged into battle again and again and again. Yet Non of that was my true fear, the thing I fear is not the monsters I've battled or the people I've fought, it's not even the ineffable fact that one day I'll die. My fear is fear itself.
I'm afraid of the fact that I could end up alone, in afraid of getting close with people only to have them die and leave me a cowering wreak. That's what happened with Sirius, I was angry, I was sorrowful, and I was afraid. That's what lead me into this disaster of a situation... fear.

I may have courage but that doesn't stop the fact that I'm afraid, I'm afraid that one day everything I love will die and it will be my fault, im afraid that the people I love will turn away from me, I'm scared of that one day I'll be to afraid to continue fighting, and that day people will see me as weak. I think that's why I fight, I think that even through it all that even now in the presence of the dark lord I don't beg for death, I still remain "brave" because I'm scared of people seeing me as a coward.

But during this moment the only fear that is lingering in my mind is that I just told the dark lord, he who must not be named, the destroyer of muggles, you-know-who, Tom riddle, Voldemort, the most feared wizard in the world that I was being abused.

True, this is not what I expected to happen but I can't help but think this may be worse than torture, cowering at the hands of my enemy, knowing that death has a close eye on me has never scared me but knowing that I won't die I'll have to suffer the ever lasting truth that I put myself into this position, that I should have been faster or drew my wand, maybe casting better spells would have helped me but I can't dwell on that now because at this moment I have to face something greater then death. I have to face life.

They won't kill me not after what they've learned, I'm sure of it. But they will use it against me, I'm guessing maybe a poly juice to turn into my relatives while they torture me. That sounds like something a death eater would do. "-what?" Asked tom in a deep voice that rattled my bones and made the blood drain from my face. "I said my relatives, my relatives did this. Well the ones on my wrists and thighs are because of myself but...yeah." I said

The three stared at me for a while, silent, unmoving, hardly breathing. It was quiet enough to hear a pin drop. I felt as though I had just admitted I had killed somebody. Voldemort stood without another word and walked over to Malfoy and bellatrix.

"Go get Aries. Now!" Tom called hurriedly to Bella who ran out of the room in a rush. "Who's Aries?" I asked confused, why do death eaters have to be so difficult, just kill me and get it over with it's not that hard.

Malfoy looked at me with a pitting expression but still didn't answer my question. Pity, he was showing me pity, that fucker. I've gone this long without pity and sympathy from him and his lot, I didn't need it then and I sure ass hell don't need it now.

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