The talk

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Moon's P.O.V

I left the daycare to go see Monty, I wanted to talk to him about the new girl. Maybe he knows anything about her. I entered Monty's gators golf and I saw monty


huh? Oh hey moon buddy how are you?

Good what about you?

I kicked a lot of kids out of my golf because they kept eating the balls!

Damn, well that is not by problem I need to talk to you about the new attendant it me and sun's daycare

Oh? Who is it? Are they with eclipse?

No she does not know about HIM i hope but i need to know if you know anything about her

What is her name?

Crystal, her name is crystal.

Ah ok can i-


Ok ok i won't touch her damn moon boy your protective

I am not in just want to know if you know her

Yeah I have seen her around and I saw her with Vanessa on her first day here

Of course she was with that damn rabbit

Yep also Can I get some money to finish the gator golf?


Well moon buddy I already stole millions of dollars already


what? I needed it, you got what you wanted out of me. Get

Fine see ya

See ya moon

I left the gator golf pissed off because he took money again from me. Damn I hate that gator, but that does make me wonder why she mever wanted to leave when times were tough.

Our P.O.V

I woke up in a bed and I knew it was sun's bed because I was near the bed when I was cuddling with sun. I looked around and I saw moon's room and I did not wanna go in there

'How long was I out? Eh oh well lets see'

I looked at the clock and it said 11:30

'Great I was asleep for 3 hours, that was not supposed to happen, oh well'

I got up and I fixed my hair and I went out to the daycare where I saw moon  and sun

'Hey moon, hey sun'

Oh! Hello there crystal, sorry if I was not there moon called me down here to talk

'That is ok sun, I am not mad at you'

Sun. We need to talk about you know who and how to get rid of him

Ok moon, uhhh miss crystal, can you ummm go...

'It is ok sun I am ok with you two's privacy is will go see eathier Roxane or chica'

Ok see ya

'Bye you guys'

I walked out of the daycare thinking about what has been going on today, but i still have 5 hours left here so what is the worst that can happen....right?


I hope you enjoyed this, I hope I did well so far have a good day/night

Word count: 513

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