A date with the Devil himself pt 2

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(Hey so this will have some sex things so yeah so enjoy)


'Yes sun?'

A kid took my bells again

'Come on you have got to be kidding me! How many times have these things have happened'

A few times

'Ugh ok on my way'

Thank you sunshine


-at Nap Time-

'damn these kids'

Yeah~~ damn kids

I jump up out of my chair and I saw moon close to my ear

'Moon don't do that'

Oh come on~~ I know you like it~

'N-no I don't now stop i-'

I felt moon's cold lips touch mine and I melted into it

'Mmm~~ m-moon....d-damnit'

Oh come on moonlight~~ I like your lips, I love how you smile and talk to others, your soft heart and your eyes~~

'D-damn moon don't tease me like this'

Oh? Me teasing you~~ your teasing me darling~~


I felt my heart race and I wanted to let my body fall into his own but i did not know if I could do this tonight

I love it when your shocked and lovely

'M-moon please n-not now I need time....maybe a date then maybe I can make up my mind'

A date?....sure I am ok with it but if sun can go on a date as well

'yes I can do that moon thank you I can go shopping for a dress for you two'

Sure thing starlight, I will go tell sun when I see him

'Mhm don't worry I will make up my mind soon'

Yeah I will go Cheak on the kids now

'yeah sure, see yeah moon'

Bye starlight

We waved and moon left, I felt like if was going to faint but i kept myself up right and keep up with my work and worked until the kids left


Hm? Oh hey sun, is something wrong?

You gave moon a kiss can I have one too please....

'U-uhh, u-umm sure you can sunny'

Come here then


I got up and I walked to sun but stopped in my traces and saw....those red eyes....


About damn time crystal

'Your a damn creep'

So? I don't care if I do creep you out

'Whatever, so what do you want eclipse?'

I came out for bissness

'Damn ok then, you should just go for your own bissness'

I am looking at my bissness


Shocked? Well I told you about suffering


I tried to run but eclipse grabed me and threw me to the wall

Running now? Now amusing, you will be fun my dear

'Bite me fool'

I won't I have other plans

'I don't like that eclipse'

Good now down to business

'go to hell eclipse'

Where do you think I come from

'Hmm maybe from the ring of wrath'



*takes out a knife* say that again I dare you


Your not talking crystal, what is wrong? Cat got your damn tongue

'Shut the f-'

*stabs her* careful with your mouth crystal, or I can just take it out


shit *stabs her in the arm and lets sun back in*

Crystal! Oh no are you ok?


Shhh...i got you now

'mmm just don't leave me alone for a while'

Sure thing sunshine, I can take care of those wounds ok

'Sure you can heal my wounds for a bit sun'


Sun? What happend?

Crystal got hurt by HIM moon

Shit ok, I will go Cheak on her when the kids are gone


'I am ok with that moon'

Sun you go take care of crystal and then come down here to take care of the kids

Sure come on sunshine

'Mhm I am on my way sun'

I walked with sun to thier room to get patched up but I kept looking at sun's eyes scared of seeing red again, I am scared of eclipse coming back and finishing up the job of killing me. But I knew sun and moon have me safe for now.....i don't wanna see that damn demon eclipse ever again


I hope you enjoy this thing have a good day/night

Word count: 707

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