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it's been over a week since i hungout with Chris and Matt. I was sitting at my desk, scribbling small doodles in my notebook when my phone chimed. i place my pencil down as i pick up my phone, it's Matt. we've been talking nonstop for the whole week about random topics like their next tour coming up, how they need ideas for a car video, and so much more. he was easy to talk to, which made him that much more comfortable to be around.

Matt: Meet at the parking lot of Palms Bakery in 20 ! :).

with confusion flooding my mind like a tsunami, i became intrigued, giving his message a heart reaction and swiftly switching to my music app to turn on a playlist as i put my phone down and set aside my notebook and pencil, taking my makeup bag out and grabbing mascara. carefully applying my mascara, one swift motion at a time, i bat my eyelashes a few times before twisting shut the tube and putting it back. i get up from my desk and grabbing my black nike jacket and throwing it on over my white crop top and my blue baggy jeans.

with as late in the evening as it was, the weather was a bit chilly, slipping into my panda dunks, i quickly tie the laces and exit my bedroom, shutting the door behind me. before i made it to the stairs, i hear faint yelling whispers coming from my brothers room. i lean into the door, careful not to make a sound as i listen into the conversation.

"Kay, please. you know i wouldn't hurt you." i hear my brother say, his voice suggests that he's upset, "Jack, you're gonna be gone in two months to head off to college, and with your reputation-" she says, as i hear my brother let out a disappointed sigh. "My reputation? you realize that you are the only girl i've been with since Kennedy right?" he retorts, i can hear the frustration building up as he continues, "No, it's fine i get it. but i'm not fighting you on this anymore. i know who i am regardless of what you think i am." my heart hurts a little, Jack has never had the best reputation, but he's also never really been with many girls. he's reserved in that way, he dates girls he wants to marry, as i lean back from listening in, not wanting to hear more of this conversation, i make my way downstairs.

I feel my phone hum, taking it out of my back pocket, it's another text but this time it's from Nick, i open up the notification only to be come intrigued.

Nick: We are with Madi and her friend! you're coming right?

Maya: i'm on my way Nick.

Nick: great, see ya soon!

rolling my eyes as i smile, putting my phone into the pocket of my jacket, i reach for my car keys hanging on our shelf, and exit the house shutting the door behind and and getting into my car. as i start my car, i connect to my bluetooth audio and swipe through my songs, picky about the song that plays before i make my way to Palms. when i hear the start of "Why'd you only call me when you're high?" by the Arctic Monkeys start playing, i set my phone in my lap and put my car in reverse, backing out into the road and then beginning my way to the parking lot.

as i'm driving, my music on blast with my windows down to feel the breeze, i admire the sunset and all of its colors and the way the purple clouds blend into the peachy tone of the sky, the way the water from the ocean glistens as the sun enhances it's natural beauty. i make a stop at like traffic light, looking at the cars i see before me and a motorcyclist passing by, the light quickly turns green as i make a right into the parking lot, and parking next to a white SUV, about to take my phone out to text Matt, i hear a knock on my window that startles me, making my heart start to race and whipping my head over to the sound to see Chris laughing as he falls to the ground.

shutting my car off, i get out and shut the door giving Chris an unamused look as he begins to calm down and stand up, his smile cheeky as he begins, "Sorry, i had to Mys". i look at him with confusion as i tilt my head, "Mys?" i ask, seeing a grin grow on his face, seeing Madi, A pretty raven haired girl i've never met, Matt and Nick walk up to us. "Yeah, it's a nickname Matt came up with" Nick says before gesturing to the girl next to Madi. "This is Arianna, or Ari as we call her. She's been Madi and Chris's friend for about a year now" Nick says, as i give her a warm smile, "It's nice to meet you, i'm-" i say, Arianna cutting me off, "Maya, yeah Chris told me about you" her tone was soft and gentle. i could tell we were going to become great friends.

"So, what are we all doing?" i ask, looking over at Matt, noticing he was looking down towards the ground, "We were thinking about filming a vlog for our channel, Madi and Matt suggested to bring you and Ari along" i hear Chris say as i bring my attention over to him, giving him a smile and nod, i follow them into the bakery, walking next to Matt, purposely bumping his shoulder to get him to look over at me, and he does. "Are you okay?" i ask in a quieter tone as to not disturb the conversation going on in front of us, his eyes lighten up as he gives me a smile, exposing his teeth and nodding, "Yeah i'm okay, really glad you showed up" he states, making my heart flutter.

Walking into the bakery, the smell of chocolate croissants fill my nose, my stomach growls as i step up to the counter, "May i have one chocolate croissant please?" i ask the cashier, as she gives me my price, i pay and she grabs my croissant and puts it into a bag, handing it to me. i head towards the back of the bakery to wait for them to order, i notice Chris walking up to me, holding the camera, "Say hi Maya" he says, his tone is childlike as his smile is cheeky, making my face go red and my cheeks burn up, waving at the camera. "She's a bit camera shy, lame. We'll change that though guys." he says, his face close to the lens of the camera. i can only imagine how that is going to look, and it makes me giggle.

Chris heads over to Nick and Madi as Arianna makes her way to stand next to me, "So are you and Matt?.." she asks, making me inhale a deep breath, shaking my head, "friends is all." i say, noticing Arianna's facial expression, she clearly does not believe me, i hear her phone chime as she takes it out, i see a text notification from a girl named "Em 🤍", Arianna is quick to reply as i catch a glimpse of the message this Em girl sent.

Em: Be fucking for real. Anyways, you and Madi wanna hangout tomorrow?

Arianna: Sure! can i bring the new girl?

Em: Is it that Maya chick i hear Matt and Chris talk about?

Arianna: That would be her.

Em: Sure!

Before i could read the rest of the conversation, Ari shut her phone off and put it back into her pocket, making me quickly shift my eyes away and immediately, i make eye contact with Chris. He's smiling as i can see a dimple on his right cheek form, i give him a smile back. Hearing the ring of the door as another customer comes in, i look over and i see it's my mom, she rushed up to me and took my arm, dragging me outside before i could get a word out, she stops by my car.

"Mom what the f-" i say before she cuts me off.

"Maya is your dad" she says, as my eyes widen slightly, my heart begins to beat faster as i see Jack standing at the trunk of my car, panic also setting into his eyes. We quickly gather into my car, my mother starting it and driving off, i take out my phone and text Matt.

Maya: Sorry! Something came up. i'll text you when i can, i promise :).

as i press send, i get a text from Chris.

Chris: Hey, saw you, your mom and who i'm assuming is your brother all leave together. i hope everything is okay.

Maya: thank you Chris. that means a lot.

My mom is speeding on the road when she finally makes it to the hospital. My mind races as i think the worst, was this really happening? my mom shuts my car off and we all rush into the entrance of the hospital, "Hal Lockhart. We are here to see Hal Lockhart!" my mother says out of breath, the murder nods, telling us the room number as Jack, my mom and I start sprinting, finally reaching the room, and my eyes fill with tears at the sight.

Monica, Ally and Luke are all crying, my eye scan the room before they land on my father. He's unrecognizable, his skin was pale, his arms were skinnier than before and he was unconscious. I look over to my brother, as he looks to me as tear well up in his eyes, he turns towards me and holds me in a bear like hug, beginning to sob into my shoulder.

I never liked change. Change never liked me, it would creep up behind me and play with me like a puppet on a string. but now i cant escape it, life is changing. my sobs are soft as my tears soak Jacks shirt.


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