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"oh my god, shut up. it wasn't even that funny" i say, as tears of laughter roll down my cheeks, looking over to Matt who was also giggling with me, "Maya. everyone in our comment section pointed out the face you made" he adds on, as i playfully hit his shoulder, calming down from the laughter, i let out a deep exhale, relaxing my body as we continued to watch the night sky twinkle.

"Maya?" he speaks, his tone is soft as i look over at him, "Matthew?" i reply, inviting the conversation to begin, his eyes meeting mine as pink grows in his cheeks, licking his lips as he nervously bites the lower one, letting out a sigh as he begins, "i missed being able to talk to you" he says as i smile, "you could've texted.." i say, his head shakes slightly as i notice him relax his tensed shoulders, "I didn't know what to say" his voice is gentle, with a mixture of sorrow.

"Well i'm here now" i reply as he holds himself up, resting on his right arm, facing me. my eyes shift to his lips, as i meet his gaze once more, my cheeks burning up already. "Can it stay that way?" he asks, desperacy filling his voice, as his eyes shift from my eyes to my lips several times, giving him a nod and a comforting smile, he looks deep in thought. watching him shake his head as he laid back down next to me, i yawn. starting to fall asleep, i shut my eyes allow myself to feel my body fall into a deep sleep.


i wake up to my head resting on Matt's chest, and my phone buzzing a hundred times per minute, i gently take it out of my pocket and open the notifications from Instagram, seeing Matt and I posted on the triplets photo dump for their friday video, i swipe to the next photo after it to see Chris and Arianna taking a selfie with Matt and I asleep in the background. they must've found us before i woke up, i shake my head as i look at the comments

kwaiden: MATT AND MAYA??? HELLO??


zack.arius: there is no way that was comfortable.

christophersturniolo: it took me and Ari so long to figure out how to not wake them

maya.lockhart: i hate you.
arianna.h: you definitely DONT hate us.
nicolassturniolo: you definitely don't hate Matt.

as i hear Matt slightly groan, his eyes flutter open as he takes his free hand to rub his eyes, looking down at me and seeing what is on my phone, "what the fuck?" he says, making me look up at him, showing him the picture of Chris and Arianna, his eyes roll as he kisses my forehead before sitting up, eyes widening he turns to me, "sorry! i'm so sorry. it was like an instinctual thing. i-" he babbles as i cut him off, "Matt. it's okay, i'm not mad" my response puts him at ease, both of us getting up and climbing down the ladder.

Matt holds his hand out for me to take, grabbing it for balance, i step off the ladder and we make our way inside, meeting the energetic group in the kitchen. "Good morning you two" Arianna says, giving me a suggestive smile, "Good morning" i say, shaking my head as Matt and I sit, looking at the food Em had made.

the smell of the french toast was sweet, the aesthetic of the powdered sugar with maple syrup drizzled over it was beautiful, as i didn't hesitate to begin eating, i feel two hands on my shoulder. "You need to talk to him Maya" Em whispers in my ears, as i look back at her, i see her signaling everyone else out of the room. i sigh, realizing she's right. swallowing my food, i turn to Matt, "Matt?" i ask, his face turning to my own.

"What's up?" he responds, as i let my mind speak, "I'm not really sure how to say it. but i know i need to. Everyone telling me that i should talk to you, i just.. i missed this. you. us. whatever-" i say, rambling on as i notice him smiling with a deep shade of rose covering his cheeks, "what?" i ask, not sure if i should be embarrassed.

"Maya.. i mean fuck, are you dense?" he asks, as my chest begins to feel heavy, he continues, "I missed you so fucking much, Mys" hearing my nickname, the heaviness in my chest subsides as we get get up, wrapping my arms around his neck, burying my face into his shoulder, feeling his arms wrapping around my waist, "i missed this Mys.." i hear a soft mumble, and feel him kiss my cheek softly.

pulling away from the comforting embrace, we both put the plates into the sink, making our way into the living room to join the rest of the group, sitting down with Matt next to me, his arm resting around my shoulder, i look at Ari and Em, who are smiling and silently cheering, shaking my head, Chris and Jack are having a arm wrestling match, "you are SO going down motherfucker" Chris says, making me laugh as they begin.

"NO!! UGH.... best out of five?" Chris groans before asking, as he lost the last two rounds, Jack rolls his eyes. "you're ridiculous" Arianna says, as Chris groans again, rejoining her on the couch as he kissed her temple, Jack laying on Em, she kissed his forehead. Zack looking around at the two couples, "you guys make me want to vomit" he says, as Ari playfully hits his head, resulting in Zack flipping her off.

feeling a warm kiss placed on my cheek, i look over to Matt, my eyes meeting his as they look down to his lips, leaning in, our lips meet. the kiss was short and sweet, after months of longing for the chance for our lips to meet, they finally did. seeing the smile grow on his face, he places another kiss onto my forehead.

unspoken, but we knew that he was mine. and i was his. resting my head on his shoulder, the only word to replay in my mind..


and that's when my phone started to ring, taking my phone out and looking at the name across my phone screen, that's when my heart dropped.

there will be a book two titled
"The Way We Once Were"

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