Chapter 4

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"Hey, are you with us?" Rain said.

"I'm sorry, what were talking about again.." I said apologetic.

"Nothing, nothing important." Rain said while he's frowning.

"What's the problem beautiful? Seems you lost somewhere?"
Laine asked me.

"There just full of things to think lately." I said.

"Like what?" Louise said.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter guys. Just some work to do. I'm sorry. " Then I force a smile. "We're here to enjoy the night right. So let's drink it!" I said to cheer them up.

"Yeah, right! We came for hotties." Louise said in excitement.

"More wine please..." Rain said after he called the waiter.

The club starting to go loud and crowded. Rain and Louise are both busy now with their target. While me and Laine sitted for wine.

"So tell me now?" Laine said seriously.

"Umm? What?" I look at him confused.

"You think you can fooled me that easy Lake?"

I smirk. "You really know me, Mr Laine." Then drink my wine.

"We're friends for nothing, right?"

Yeah, to all my friends, Laine known me well. He's always there to listen to me. He's my shoulder to lean on when I'm down.

"I met him again." I started.

"Who? Wait! You mean, your husband?" he said in disbelief.

"Uhm." I nod.

"How was it? I mean, did you talk?"

"Not really."

"What do you mean?"

"I tried to avoid him again, but he caught and cornered me."

"Really? How did you feel when you saw him again?"

I sighed. "I really missed him so much." sudden pain strike my heart.

"Why didn't you tell him that?"

"Are you crazy! how can I tell him that I missed him?"

"Why didn't you try?"

"I cant!"

"Lake, it's been five years now right. You two are both matured enough to make your own decision. Why don't the two of you just talk about it?"

"What if he ask for his complete freedom? I don't know if I can handle that, Laine."

"And what do you intend to do with it, keep running away from the situation? Whether you like or not, sooner or later, you have to deal with the problem Lake."

"I know. That's why I'm afraid that my heart will break soon if it happens."

"No matter what will happened remember that we always here for you Lake." Laine comfort me.

"Yeah, I know. I always thankful."

It was school break then. I was so excited because my mom told me, we're gonna visit our relatives in US and have fun while we are there. Since my parents are both busy, it's so rear to spend a long time with them. I have so many plans on our way there but things unexpected for me. When we arrived there, at my aunt's house there were some people already waiting for us. My mom's best friend Aunt Feliza together with her husband Uncle Arthur and their only son Rulden.

Well actually, at first, it doesn't bothered me at all. I was used to seeing them all the time, at home or at parties where my parents attended. What I don't understand was the eyes of people there staring at me at that time. It was confusing because I see pity in their eyes. Until I heard my dad talk.

"Son, I have something to tell you."

"About what dad?" I asked in curiosity.

"We, your mom and I, together with your auntie Feliza and uncle Arthur, decided to tied you and Rulden in to marriage." he said clearly.

My ears suddenly got hot to what I heard.

"W-what do you m-mean by that, d-dad?" my voice shuttered.

"You and Rulden are getting married." Uncle Arthuro said.

I felt a bomb exploded in my body. How can this happen?

"Sweety, I know your not ready yet for this and so young for marriage. But if you listen to me first, I'll gonna explain it carefully to you." My mom said while patting my head. "Son, we need to help auntie and uncle with their business. The only way to save them from bankruptcy is for you and Rulden to decide. Please, don't think that we dont love you son, you know how much I care about you. Let say, you can think this as a business venture for us. We can expand our asset through marrying Rulden."

I wanna cry loud that time. Is that easy for them? How can my own parents brought me in this situation? Why do I felt their business was more important than me? I am their only child, they must protect me. Why they forcing me to marry a stranger, someone I don't love.

I was just eighteen back then, when I'm  forced to signed that damn marriage paper. A business deal to our parents but a biggest nightmare for me.

The only thing that surprised me is time that Rulden didn't even made any respond, instead he just remained in silent. He signed without any hesitation as if he don't bothered at all, while me, crying in anger. The vacation I dreamed of, turned into an unforgettable nightmare.

Rulden spoiled LakeWhere stories live. Discover now