Chapter 13

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"Sir, someone delivered a flower for you."

"Flower? From who?" I asked.

"There's a card inside." He give the flower to me. Then I read the card.


Hoping this bouquet will give you smile for the rest of the day.


What's wrong with this man. This past few days he always send me food, chocolates and other gifts that I like. I can't help to assumed that he's trying to make a move to me, but that's impossible, Rulden prepared women. That night, maybe, he was just drunk and curious, that's why he kissed me. But if he stay like this, I'm afraid I'm might be hopeful.

Suddenly, my phone ring. It's Laine.


"Are you alright?"

"Yes, why sudden asked?"

"Umm.. Did you heard the news?" He asked.

"About what?"

"Umm... I don't know if it's concerned you."

"It's getting me curious now, speak up."

But before he can tell, the staff passed me a news paper. He look bothered. I looked at him confused but I still picked the news paper. It caption..

GIRLFRIEND. - with a photo of them embracing.

I was stunned for awhile, then I heard Laine on the other line.

"I guess I already know what you trying to talk about." I said.

"Lake. .." he sounds worried.

"I'm okey. I already used to it. It's not the first time though." I said calmly for not worrying Laine.

"By the way, I need to go now. I have so much work to do. Bye. " It's just an excuse, because my eyes start to building up tears.

I told my staff that I go somewhere but actually I went home and open some beer to calm myself. Is he just used me again? No, of course from the start I knew he's in love with someone. Im just too stupid to hope again. But I am still his husband. Do I need to fight for my rights now. Is it worth it?

So many things come up in my mind. I didn't realized I drunk too much and begin to cry out loud.

It's already morning when I open my eyes. My apartment is a living messed. Bottles are everywhere. I don't have the energy to get up from the floor. I stared the ceiling and stay that way for a long time. Suddenly my mind reminded me about the news.
That contract is the horrible messed of my life. When something come up in to my mind The contract! I need to talk to my dad. I need to tell him something. I got up and look for my phone. There so much phone call from Rulden. I sighed and ignored them. I went to bathroom and showered.

I went to our company and luckily, my dad is in his office today.

"What a surprise! My son remembered to visit me." He rise from his seat and give me a hug. I hugged him too.

"I missed you sweety."

"I miss you too dad."

"Who I thank for this time."

"No one. I just have something to asked you."

"What is it for you to personally came along here."He guides me to the sofa.

"Dad, about the contract that me and Rulden signed long time ago..."

"Your marriage contract? What about it?"

"Yeah. You told me that the contract is just like a business contract between our family to save their business that time right?" I stop for a while to breathe some air. I felt breathless while talking about this. "Dad, since their business is stabled and merging now... can we break the contract now?" I held my head down for not my dad see my real feelings about it.

He stayed silent for a while. "Why sudden? You've been through a lot.. Why now?" he asked.

"I don't know how to answer you dad. It's just, I want Rulden to choose his happiness this time."

"Lake, believe me, he already chose." my dad said.

"I know, that's why we need to break the contract now. What if the news spread that he married to me. Do you think his girlfriend would be happy with it." I said.

"You always care for Rulden." What about you? Are you going to be happy if the contract will be invalid?" My dad asked. I looked away to avoid his question. "See, from the start you have feelings for him. But instead of facing it you chose to run away."

"Because it's a one sided love. I witness how he enjoy women's company. How can I forced him to love me back. I'm a man dad, I'm still considered one."

"Did you tried to tell him about your feelings? Did he told you, he can't loved you back?"


He laughed. "You always assuming things. Why don't you asked Rulden if he wanted to divorce you instead."

"Divorce? But you said it before, the contract would not be registered." I asked in surprised.

"Yeah, I said that. But Rulden insisted to have the documents after your mother died. And after a week Rulden sent me a copy of your marriage certificate with a sealed. That means he registered it and you are legally married to Rulden since then."

"I'm married to Rulden legally? I whispered. My head didn't absurd it for a while. How can this be happened. "Aahhhhhhhhhhh! No, I can't! This is ridiculous!" I shouted in frustration.

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