10 - Clingy

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Chans POV
"Y/N-ah~" I said clinging on to her. "Channie... I have to cook remember? You too. Minho's cooking and we have to help." She said to me. "Fine..." I said and started cooking. After we were done cooking we started eating the food. "Mmm... This is good!" Han said stuffing the food in his mouth. "Thanks Minho made most of it" Y/N said. "Yeah, but they still helped me!" Minho said.

After we ate we all went to our bedrooms. I share a room with Y/N! Like usual. "Y/N-ah~~" I said wrapping my hands around her "yes channie?" She asked "can we cuddle?" I say while pouting "sure, but wait... I need to do things" she said "aww... Can't we do it now? Pleaseee??" I whined "fine..." She said tiredly "yayy!" I said We cuddled after that. Soon, I fell asleep.

"Fine..." I said tiredly cause I'm quite tired "yay!" Chan said exitedly. We cuddled. Later on, Chan was asleep.

I slowly got off of him and went to the living room getting things I needed.
"Y/N? Is that you? I can't see you quite well it's dark..." Someone said behind me "ah! Sorry... You scared me... What are you doing up this late minho?" I asked him as he turned the lights on "I was gonna ask you the same thing. Anyways, I was perfecting our new choreo! What are you doing?" He asked "I was gonna do the same earlier but, Chan asked me for cuddles and well, he's asleep now." I said walking to the dance practice room with minho behind me. "What about those things you just grabbed?" He asked "oh those? They're just things that were misplaced so I just put them back before going here." I said while entering the room.

"Need help?" Minho offered me help "sure, I keep on messing up on this one part so, if that doesn't bother you can you help? I mean you're the BEST dancer we have." I said "thanks! and, yeah I don't mind helping you" he said. he was helping me do that when someone entered the room, it was Chan. "C-chan! It's not what it looks like!! I swear!" I said.

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