30 - Y/N probably still hates me...

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Soo-jae's POV

"Y/N." I told her through the phone.

"Stop bothering me! I thought you were dead." She says annoyed.

"I'm sorry! But please listen, I just want to be friends with you, okay? Just friends." I say

"Fine, only friends though..." She says

"Thank you! Now listen, jaekyung kidnapped bangchan. You have to help him. I'm at the location right now, I'll send it to you, so meet me there, okay?" I sent her the location and ended the call.

Bangchan's POV


"No thanks, you're worthless." He says.

"Then why am I here..?!" I ask. If he's not gonna kill me then, what?

"I'm waiting for my brother." He says

"Brother? Wait, you have a brother?!" My eyes widened slightly, wtf ?

"I'm sure you know him." He smirks

Soon, Soo-jae and Y/N busts in.

"There he is, my brother." Jaekyung says, with a smile.

"Our mom wouldn't be proud of you for this." Soo-jae says while looking him dead in the eyes.

"Who cares? She's already..." Jaekyung looks up and looks back at Soo-jae "... You know."

"All because of you, it's your fault!" Soo-jae tears up.

"IT'S NOT LIKE YOU'RE ANY BETTER! PLUS, SHE WASN'T EVEN THERE FOR US WHEN WE NEEDED HER!" A single tear drops from Jaekyungs right eye. I just realized, he always wears an eye patch on his left eye...

"BUT YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO KILL HER." Soo-jae yells louder.

"YES I DID, YOU KNOW WHY I'M FUCKING BLIND IN MY LEFT EYE?! BECAUSE OF HER! ALL OVER A BROKEN VASE." He takes of his eye patch on his left eye. Damn, that's deep.

"BUT AREN'T YOU ATLEAST ASHAMED THAT YOU'RE THE REASON THAT OUR MOTHER DIED?!" Soo-jae is crying right now. I feel bad for him now...

"Our mother won't be the only thing that is dead because of me..." Jaekyungs gaze switched to an even more deadly one while smirking devilishly.

Soo-jae backs away slowly "no... Jaekyung... Stop."

"It's too late, isn't it?" He throws the knife towards Soo-jae and ended up hitting his stomach.

Soo-jae falls to the ground.

While they were arguing, Y/N untied me and called the police.

"Police! Drop all your weapons and put your hands up!" The police points the gun at Jaekyung.

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