Jungwon- Taekwondo🌸

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Note: This is not a sickfic just a situation that I imagined. This is based on En o'clock ep 22. I will not use the exact events the happened in the episode. The scenario is that the Enhypen members do not know Jungwon is a black belt in Taekwondo.

Jungwon POV

I was so happy! I would be able to show the members my Taekwondo skills! But then I got an idea! I should act like I do not know any proper taekwondo but then all of a sudden I would do like one of the hardest kicks I know! Yes! This was the perfect idea! I should tell the staff and tell the trainer to act oblivious since he knows I am a black belt in Taekwondo!

I had told all the staff and the trainer and they agreed. Now it was time to start this!

Start of the episode

"One, two, Connect! Hello we are Enhypen!" We did your greeting and we started goofing off as usual and then the trainer came and introduced himself. We all introduced ourselves to him. 

"So now do you have any experience with martial arts before?" The trainer asked and I didn't raise my arm. 

"Well I have a black belt in Hapkido" Said Sunoo hyung 

"Ok so let us start with stretches" Said Hong Sunbaenim 

Time skip

We had just done the stretches and I purposefully did really bad and acted like I was not flexible at all. I was voted as the second least flexible person in our group but they did not know how flexible I actually was although I could never beat Sunoo hyung- 

Now we were starting the skills. 

We had done punches but there was not too many things to mess up about it but I tried to mess up as much as I could. 

"Jungwonie I don't think Taekwondo is for you" Sunoo hyung said

"Ya but don't worry, Taekwondo isn't for everyone!" Heeseung hyung said trying to cheer me up. 

I just nodded with a shy smile even though inside I was laughing uncontrollably. Then when we started kicks I messed up so bad. You know, as someone who has a black belt this hurt me a lot to mess up this bad. I decided I would fall on my ass to make it more belivable. 

"Ouch" I said acting to be sad, hurt, and embarrassed

Everyone was laughing and I also joined but I was laughing for a different reason. I was laughing at what their reactions to be showing them my skills might me. 

" I feel resentment, anger, and shame" I joked

"YAH" Jay hyung shouted. 

Like this the time went by and we learnt some more skills. I continued acting really bad. I acted to be worse then Sunghoon hyung! It was mentally so hard for me not to do the right move since it was in my muscle memory. It was also almost as hard as not laughing everytime they called me bad. I was not upset at all by this since I knew they were joking and it did not matter as I was acting bad on purpose. 

"Ok guys! Now I want you all to show me the best skill you can do as of now!" Hong Sunbaenim said

We got in line in order of age from oldest to youngest. I stood second last and I was holding back my smirk while waiting to show them my skill. All of them did average and basic skills we learnt today on the wood in front of us. 

Now it was my turn. I decided to do a spinning hook kick. I got in position and put on a very serious face and did some movement before asking Hong Sunbaenim if I can start.

"Why does Jungwon look so professional all of a sudden" Asked Heeseung hyung

"I know right!" Niki agreed

The trainer nodded and I executed an almost perfect kick. Their jaws were on the floor. I smirked and waited for someone to say something. 

"WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL JUNGWON" Shrieked Sunoo hyung. 

"Well I think I might have left out the detail that I just might have a black belt" I said wanting to laugh at their faces. 


"I don't know hyung? Maybe it's called acting?" I said sarcastically 

"Oh my god Jungwon! Please bless me with some of your magnificiant skills!" Sunghoon hyung said kneeling

We all burst out laughing and I pulled him up. Like this we all had so much more fun since I could show my skills. 

All in all I had so much fun today! It was really memorable .

Words: 776

A/N: Well i hope you guys like this new chapter since it is a bit different and do not worry I will still do plenty of sickfics and not too many of these type of chapters unless I get ideas. You can also request for this type of chapter. Btw please give me you ideas and not just the name of the member since i need a sort of plot to work on. AND THANK YOU FOR 2.5K! I do not think words can express my joy with words but thank you!

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