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At MATA Academy where all the young agents gathered after being beaten by BoBoiBoy.

"I told you all of this was a waste of time! You don't want to listen to me!" Jet was angry. Right now he is putting bag of ice on his sprained leg from a result of being kicked by the teenager in the orange hat earlier.

"He's great. Only him alone can stop us all." said Roza.

"But are we sure that's the boy who took Ali? Are you really sure?" asked Moon.

"If that's not Ali, then why did he ran away? And one more thing. That teenager called him Iris. Isn't that strange?" Bulat said making everyone think of it for a while.

"Heh, that's 100% Ali. I saw and already confronted him." said Rudy making all the attention turn to him.

"You met Ali? So it's really him?" asked Alicia. Rudy nodded.

"My suspicion that he was brainwashed. He ran away even though his own uncle trying to approach him. Huh, how ungrateful!" Said Rudy again.

"We have to go there again and save Ali ourselves." said Khai.

"Oi, are you crazy? Even the mentors told us to lay low for this moment." replied Criss.

"Let the mentor say whatever they wants. After all, IRIS is still with Ali. That's what's important. After taking IRIS, he's free to go anywhere." replied Mika.

Suddenly, Khai who was looking at the state of R-O suddenly interrupted.

"Hey guys...Look at this."

All the young agents gathered around Khai and he opened something from the R-O data.

When he took out his hologram screen, it formed a recording.

The teenager in the orange hat who beat them earlier.

Peace be upon you and hey MATA's young agents. You must be wondering when did I record this video and put it in your robot. Consider that... I have my own way.

Long story short, I want you all to tell your agency to stop looking for Ali here. Do not look back for what you have thrown away and wasted.

And I didn't kidnap Ali. I've been his friend since he was little. Here's a picture if you want proof.

You don't have to prove to me that you are Ali's friend. I know what you have done to Ali. And to be honest, you don't deserve his forgiveness. Even so, he still forgives you all and continues with his current life.

So you have to move on. Life goes on, right?

The recording stopped and the young agents were silent as they tried to process what that weird teenage boy with the orange cap said earlier.

"He doesn't lie.." said Iman.

"Cis, what a coward! Who the hell does he thinks he is?!" Yelled Rudy angrily before kicking the chair next to him.

Rest in peace oh chair.

"That's it? So,what are we going to do now?" asked Roza.

"Leave it for now. Investigate what we can get about that teenager. After we know his weakness, we will attack." said Alicia.

The others nodded in agreement.


Back to BoBoiBoy and Ali, they arrived on time to Rintis Island by using his Solar power.

Faster and cheaper that way.

They arrived at Rintis Island to Tok Aba's Kokotiam where the Spaceship of Truth is getting ready to take off.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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