Part 35

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Niana: Okay so if you guys wanna do this mission you have to be up to my standards.

Nate: Uh oh.

Morgan: What do you mean by "uh oh"?

Oliver: You'll see.

(They go to a empty room)

Morgan: What are we doing here?

(Niana puts her hand on a scanner then the room lights up and the whole room turns into a training obstacles)

AI: Welcome Niana

Niana: please set a beginners training obstacle mission.

AI: Setting obstacles

(Suddenly the room turns it into a obstacle course)

Love: Holy.

Tommy: Cool.

Bill: Woah.

Niana: Okay so this is the first training to do. And here's how you do it. You each have your own strengths. So you guys use your strengths and take it to the training to get to that flag. Got it?

(they all nod)

Nate: Good luck guys.

Niana: Who wants to go first to show how it's done.

Nate: I'll do it.

(Nate takes off his Jacket)

Niana: Alright go Nate (chuckles).

Oliver: Come on dude.

Niana: Ready?

Nate: Let's do this.

Niana: ready...set...go!

(Nate runs across the obstacle fast)

Oliver: The dude's buff.

Niana: Yeah he is.

Oliver: I know you're blushing.

Niana: Shut up

(Nate backflips to get the flag)

Nate: got it.

(he walks towards her and gives her the flag)

Niana: Wow you're flexing huh.

Nate: don't act like you didn't love it.

Niana(sarcastically): Ha ha ha.

Nate: (chuckles) So anyone wanna do it now?

Morgan: I'll do it.

Nate: Alright.

(morgan gets ready)

Nate: ready ... .set....go!

(Morgan runs across to get the flag; she reaches the flag)

Niana: Nice. Alright, who's next.

Love: Me.

Niana: Alright. Boys you better step up. The girls are beating you.

Ben: What?

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