"It's fine." I left the cafeteria saying that because if I stayed their one more second seeing her look so stressed I would actually murder that guy.

 Later I saw them together at the cafe nearby, flowers in her hands. I'm guessing  he got her some to make up for his behavior. They were reading. Actually she was and he was trying to make her shut the book. He snatched her book and she got annoyed. She started scolding him about how she is on the best part and that she needs to complete this chapter. She looks cute when she's annoyed. Her eyebrows go up a little and her eyes look a little bigger and each time she stops speaking she rests her lips in a way that they look as if she is subtly pouting. He returned her book and she opened the page again.(yes I did end up getting that book it's called "The good girl's guide to murder" I ended up reading the whole series)

He then said something and she shut the book and stared right into his eyes. Seriously. Then it happened. She laughed. So hard that she went all back when she did. Two little bowls resting on her cheeks. She's got those cute indian dimples. 


"Assalamualaikum." He greeted. This voice. I missed hearing it. I'd never say this out loud though.

"Walaikumasalam." I greeted back.

"It's been long since we last talked on call." He tittered.

"Yeah, like how many years....?" 1, 2. I counted in my head. "Two whole years."

"Yeah. You kinda just ghosted everyone after..."

"Uh... Well." I don't like where this is going.

" To be honest I resented you when you first start ghosting me until I got to know through your mom that...  And well, you hate people seeing you at your lowest, so I somewhat got it. I remember when we were little you used to refuse to meet anyone when you felt sad besides me." He chuckled a little at the last statement.

I shouldn't have ghosted him. I can still hear a bit of hurt in his voice. I did share everything with him. He was the only person I wasn't afraid expressing my sadness to. Even when Faiza aunty and Akhtar uncle fell in love and he had to move to Pakistan, we called every Saturday. Told each other about every single struggle. It was a rule which came into being on its own. Until that happened and I broke the rule. I was broken. Too broken to text anyone back. Too broken to pick up any calls. Too in shock to explain anyone anything. It all felt like a nightmare and I was praying for it to end. 

"Hello?" I snap out of my thoughts at his voice.

"Yeah, sorry" I shrugged the thoughts off.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yup" I lied.

"You're-" I cut him off before he proceeded. I know he cares about me. I know he wants me to talk about it to him so that he could do his magic and make my scar disappear. But I don't want this scar to get better. I don't want this scar to disappear. Some scars are special. They hold memories. This one holds too many. Too many memories. Too many things to remember. 

"You know, it snowed here today." He loves snow. He always has.

"Luckyyyyyy!!! It doesn't snow in Karachi AT ALL!" I could hear him hesitate but he left the subject thankfully.

"I heard they made a fake snow area there? What's it called again." I started pacing thinking about it. "Something like winter-"

"Winter land." He completed for me. YES. THAT. WINTERLAND. "Yeah, they tried. It's not that bad actually. When you come here, let's go there together." 

I love the offer.

"Looking forward to that." I really am.

"Good. Because you gotta be here next week." He said like a command but it sounded more like a hopeful request.

"Hmm? Sounds like someone misses me." I teased.

"Ew no who would miss you!" He joked.  

"Sounds like ittt." 

"BLEHHH" He made a vomiting sound which made me crack up. "I'm getting married."

"Hain?!"  I'm genuinely shocked.

"Han." He confirmed.

Last time  we talked bout his love life he just had a 'tini tiny' crush on Cemal. Then again we haven't talked in a WHILE.

"You gave up on your crazily obsessed with cats, crush?" I asked.

"It IS her." I could literally HEAR him smile like a goof.

"Congratulations." I  congratulate him in a 'I knew it' tone.

"Thank you, Thank you." He sounds so happy. It makes me happy. 

I chuckle lightly.

"How are things with your girl in purple." 

"What do you mean?" Why would there be ANY progress. She has a boyfriend.

"I mean kch hua?"    (did something happen)

"YOU were the one who asked me to move on from her because she has a boyfriend who mind you, already asked for her hand in marriage from her parents. REMEMBER?" I reminded him.

"Have you moved on?" Of course he HAD to ask that question.

"I'm trying to work towards making that decision" Doing that for years now.

"Convincing yourself for the past 3 years. Yup." Love being called out.

"Shut up." I have no better reply.

"She and her boyfriend broke up" He dropped a bomb


"I thought you knew. I thought when I would ask you about her you'd report progress"

"who told you?" If its Sarah, its probably fake.



"When?" I asked

"5 months ago." He replied.

"She was still here till yesterday-" Instant regret and frustration hits me. She's gone now. I lost my chance to have her in my life. And universe doesn't really give second chances.

"Shoot. Don't worry we'll definitely find you someone here. The aunties wont let you go back single. Actually, you might meet her here! Woahhh, what if you meet her here? I mean where's my wedding? Karachi, Pakistan. And where'd she just returned to? Karachi, Pakistan. High chance. Don't worry, don't worry" I know he was trying to be delusional funny but it MAKES SENSE. 

"I mean... you do have a point! I could find her on the road no?"

"I was joking-"

"No no no no for real though, We'd be in the same city. High chance. I'm DEFINITELY coming to your wedding!"

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