Part 15: Welcome to Gringotts

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We land in a dingy shop in Knockturn Alley, where an old witch waits. I nod at her and slip her a heavy bag of galleons. "Nice doing business with you," I mutter at her under my breath. In return, she gives me a toothless smile and bows us out of the shop.

I lead the group, weaving through witches and wizards who leer at us, shaking potions or shouting sell cries until we reach Diagon Alley. First, I head into Flourish and Blotts, because I need a new quill and some parchment. The others waited outside. I also pick up some books as I head to the counter, one is about wizarding and muggle codes, for Castor, and the other two are about dark potions and spells.

As I put the books, quill and marbled parchment on the counter, the shopkeeper looks down at me and scoffs. After all, I am only ten. She looks over my pile of equipment "That'll be twenty galleons, eleven sickles, and three knuts. If, of course, you want to buy these?" she holds up my two books on the dark arts.

"Yes." I snap back. I wasn't in the mood for niceties. "And if you don't mind, don't ask any more questions, because I'm late for something."

"For what? Your trip to Fortescues?"

"No." I dump another bag of galleons on the table "That should cover it."

I slide all my profit into my bottomless moleskin bag and walk out of the shop, ignoring the shopkeeper's stunned look as she weighs the bag with one hand.


(Castor's POV)

We head over to Gringotts, attracting a few strange looks from shoppers because of our muggle clothes. I nudge Hadrian's arm.

"Hades, should we put some robes on? We might blend in better if we do."

"Nah, if we stand out, no one will suspect us of breaking in."

I nod, slowing as we neared Gringotts, following Hadrian's purposeful stride up the marble steps. The goblin guards look at us with narrowed eyes "House ring, please!"

Hadrian slips the Peverell ring off his slim finger and hands it to the guard. The goblin examines it, eyes widening in surprise when he sees the house crest. After he hands the ring back to Hades  he sweeps a deep bow, ushering us into the enormous bank 

"Welcome to Gringotts Bank, sir!"

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