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Daveed pov:Renèe left the cast and the Angelica was arriving today "um is the right theatre for Hamilton" "um-" I turned around to see her the most beautiful girl in the world "uh yeah it is" "thanks who might you be playing" "Jefferson and Lafayette" "oh duel roles just Angelica" "DAVEED I need something from you" "what Ramos" "warm-never mind" "well bye" "damn bye" "so our charaters don't interact a lot but
I'm happy tell help" "thank you-um um" "daveed and you are" "Emmy" "makes since because it would be a plasier to have you" (celebrity rizz) "ok mr.smooth I see you" "w rizz tbh" pippa says as she sucks a lollipop "have you been there this intire time" "mhm and I've learned that you can flirt your just bad at it" "🖕🏾"  "🫶🏼 anyway #emveed" "the hell" "you got sum better "no" "exactly the fuck" "no tonight you better shoot your shot beacuse I see her with oak.

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