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"Welcome to the last Red Bull Video of the year. The season is over, it was very successful, but now we get to relax. And in this video we have almost all the Red Bull and AlphaTauri drivers. We have Checo, Pierre, Alex, Yuki, Daniil, Daniel, David, Mark, Seb and me." Grins Max into the camera and bounces up and down enthusiastically with Alex and Pierre.

"And we are at the Munich Christmas market. We will have small tasks here though." Explains DC.

"That's correct. For example, in small teams we have to find and photograph a bull, ask someone with Red Bull merch for a photo and order a mulled wine in German. With Bavarian dialect for those who can already speak German." Daniil continues.

"Seb, Max, Mark and Daniel need to speak Bavarian and the rest just Standard German." Pierre says and Alex yells "Ready?" David screams immediately "You two don't go without supervision. I'll go with you!"

Seb and Max, and Daniel and Mark each form a duo. Daniil, Checo and Yuki set off in threes.

Seb immediately grabs Max's hand so as not to lose the younger man. His son wants to run off and see everything at once.

Daniel and Mark talk about Australian Christmas traditions and Mark's kids. Laughing, they search for a bull and Red Bull merch, taking a detour to roasted almonds.

Daniil and Checo are busy getting Yuki under control for the first half hour until they come across Danny and Mark. The Australians press a candyfloss into the little AlphaTauri driver's hand and Yuki is quiet.

David has bigger problems with Alex and Pierre. Since he has to take care of the two hyper kids alone, they are only calm after he has given them a gingerbread.

Max runs around Seb all the time. He circles around again and again, driving the former racing driver to despair. They meet Christian Horner and quickly take the photo with him. He is not wearing any merch, but he is still the team boss.

The father-son duo then meet Kimi at a mulled wine stand. "He drove a rally for Red Bull, that's enough!" Max decides and with that Kimi is in the video.  "I dad gern 3 Moi alkoholfreie Glühwein habn, bittschee." Orders Seb and turns to the other two.

[I'd like 3 mulled wine without alcohol]

"Awwa warum alkoholfrei? " Max grumbles. "Weil mer immer noch en Challenge mache un damidd vorm Kamera stehn. Außerdem bisde eh zu klää für Alkohol." Answers Kimi with a little sigh. "Ich bin nimme klei! " Max shouts outraged. Kimi just ruffles his sons hair.

[ But why without alcohol? || Because we still do a challenge and get filmed with it. Besides, you're too young for alcohol anyway || I'm not too young! ]

With the mulled wine in their hands, they stroll through Munich. Max runs a little way ahead every now and then and Kimi murmurs at some point, "It's just like it was 20 years ago." Seb nods with a smile.

Little by little the groups unite and David, Mark and Seb have to run after the 4 youngest ones more and prevent one or the other disaster than anything else.

Checo and Daniil talk in Spanish and just go around the younger ones while comparing Russian and Mexican Christmas traditions.

Danny joins in at some point, while Mark has given up and is now speaking Spanish with Checo. Danny and Daniil continue their conversation in Italian.

David got the kids under control, with Christian also joining in, and the two older ones give the three younger ones 2 tennis balls which they have to keep in the air at all times.

Max reports enthusiastically in Finnish about something to do with Charles, as he is mentioned several times. Kimi listens in silence while Seb has to stop the Red Bull driver again and again because Max just talks too fast.

You can see how happy Max is. His eyes sparkle as he plays catch with Danny and his face shows a childlike light-heartedness that Kimi hasn't seen in a long time.

When they reach the hotel in the evening, Christian looks gratefully at the rest. The younger ones all play outside and enjoy the first snow. They don't have to worry about a thing in the world and it does them a hell of a lot of good.


Next one :)

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