505 13 40

Door 5


It is 3:30 in the night. Everyone is asleep and not a sound can be heard. Only Roscoe snores softly. The front door opens quietly and a father and son duo sneak in. They have only just arrived. A completely tired Checo follows them.

"Por favor, vete a la cama." He grumbles and heads straight up the stairs to his room. Daniil follows him, laughing quietly, while Nikita disappears into Mick's room. [Please just go to bed]

Daniil and Checo both lie down tired. Nikita has strained the older Russian's nerves out of sheer excitement without meaning to. Now Dani just wants to go to bed. If possible, he also wants to cuddle with Checo.

Of course that is possible and a short time later he is in bed with the Mexican in his arms. But only 10 minutes later there is a knock.

"Entra." Checo grumbles wearily. Kita peers uncertainly into the room. When he sees his father there, he quickly runs to the two of them and snuggles between them. [Come in]

"Buenas noches papá. Спокойной ночи, отец." He murmurs yawning and falls asleep almost immediately, while Dani and Checo are already not even wondering, as this is standard. [Good night dad, good night father]

When Nico wakes up in the morning, he is more than confused. There is an unbelievable weight on him. When he looks to see why, he has to smile.

Amused, he looks into the face of his sleepy boyfriend. Because not only Kevin is lying on top of the German, but also Logan and Mick.

"When did Mick get here?" Kev murmurs tiredly, burying his face in Nico's shoulder. "Yesterday in the late evening." Hulk mumbles in reply, blinking against the ceiling to wake up.

"Ah, never mind." He mumbles and snuggles up to his family to go back to sleep. Actually, he wanted to be productive today, but it will most likely end in a movie marathon with K-Mag and the kids. Not his tho. Kimi would kill him, if he would try to steal Mick.

"Mickey, wake up, Kita is here!" He whispers into the Germans ear. Mick opens his eyes and jumps up before running to his own room. Kevin groans quietly since Mick just run over him. Like literally. He didn't saw Kev and ran over his hand and left leg.

"My leg hurts!" Mumbles Kev and looks sadly to Nico. "Awwww come here you big baby!" Awes the older one and opens his arms. Kevin snuggles up to Nico and says contentedly "Now I can sleep again for a bit." And closes his eyes.

A short time later, Nico opens WhatsApp while stroking Kevin's hair.

*Big Racing Fam <3*

Seb: Who is already in the house?

Checo: This motherfucker came last night at 4am

Daniil: Ouch

Daniil: Kita came too btw


Checo: I-

Max: Mornin guys


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