An Accurate Ad-lib

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How to play:

Go through the 12 words and pick any random word that fits the description. For example, If an adjective is required, then you would pick random adjectives like  Red, or Funny, or Scrumtrulescent.

Don't read the story yet- it ruins the silliness!

Once you have those words ready, substitute them with the corresponding numbers in the story below. Then... read away. Let us know in the comments what words you picked so we can have a laugh too!


2_Main Object (to be used later)

3_Present progressive verb ( a verb with ing)


5_Present tense verb

6_Body part

7_Another object

8_Present tense verb

9_Main Object (same as first object)

10_Plural object

11_Main Object (same as first object)

12_Present tense verb

You have all the words now? Awesome! Here comes the story:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

*Cue music*

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Once Upon a time in a (_1_), far far away....

A dark and mysterious (_2_) races across space (_3_) everything in its path. Two (_4_) heroes work together to save their homes.

The first hero planned to (_5_) the deadly killer in space. Unfortunately, they failed and lost their (_6_) in the process. Thankfully, they sent a (_7_) to our second hero, via expedited space mail. Within it, contained detailed notes on how to stealthily (_8_) and in turn, destroying the (_9_).

The second hero carried out this plan almost perfectly. What he did not plan for were miniature (_10_) attacking him! As the dark and mysterious (_11_) (_12_) throughout space, the second hero succumbs to his wounds.

Everyone dies.

The end.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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