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Determined to ensure Hyunjin's well-being, Ana knelt down beside him and gently helped him to sit up. He seemed a bit disoriented, perhaps from being in the cold water, and Ana noticed his drenched clothes clinging to his frame.

"I think it's best if we get you out of the water and warmed up," Ana suggested, concern evident in her voice. She offered her hand, and Hyunjin accepted it, letting her guide him to a safer spot on the shore.

Once they were a safe distance from the water's edge, Ana retrieved a blanket she had brought with her. She wrapped it around Hyunjin, trying to provide some warmth. "Do you need medical attention?" she asked, now genuinely worried about his well-being.

Hyunjin shook his head, slowly regaining his composure. "I think I'll be fine. I was just trying to make a dramatic entrance, but it didn't quite go as planned."

Ana couldn't help but chuckle, her initial unease fading as she saw his playful side. It was an unusual meeting, but it was turning out to be an unforgettable one.

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