the order.

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Lily stares up at the houses of 11 and 13 grimmauld place.
"Shouldn't there be a twelve?" She looked at her uncle in confusion, "I mean I'm trying to help our muggle case here proving that we're not dumb and they go and do this." She says gesturing to the absence of the twelfth house.

"Quite Lily. We can't be seen." Her uncle told her looking around before knocking his stick on the ground.

A house I'm the middle of 11 and 13 revealed its self. It was a dark grey compared to the rest of the houses on the street looking worn down and neglected. The cracked windows seemed to have nothing behind them or were just black from the shadows of the house.

Lily let out a low laugh followed by a high pitched yelp as her uncle took her hand and dragged her to the door of the house.

"You think I'm going it there! Look at it Al have you never watched a horror!" she let out a sigh as they entered the long dark hall of the entrance way. "Are your work friends against cleaning? I mean it's a state in here." She was cut of when her uncle pulled her into a room where all eyes automatically turned to her. She felt uncomfortable as she felt everyone's eyes all over her as if the were picking her apart with every glance.

She looked at the long table that was in the centre of the room. A man with short brown hair sat at the head of the table a solemn look on his face, he had scars on his face which Lily thought made him look quite cool even though he did dress like a grandad. There was more red heads at the table than not. Her eyes spotted the twins and a smile found its way to her face. finally, someone she knew.

One twin was whispering something into the others laughing, whatever the other twin said had caused the others to turn a vibrant shade of pink.

She was about to say hello when a short, plump ginger woman came over to her.
"Oh look at you lovely, beautiful you are."  A blush had found its way to Lily's face a the kind words. Lily was often complemented on her looks, though it was something she'd never boast about, they always feel more meaningful coming from a woman.

"Thank you."

The woman took her hand guiding her to a chair next to her uncle. The woman patted her cheeks before speaking again.
"We'll get you some dinner after the meeting won't we."

"Right Molly, let's begin." A ginger man spoke from the head of the table. Lily assumed this man was her husband from the way he looked at her, and from the fact there seemed to be a whole army of gingers at the table.

"Right so," Alastor let out a cough to clear his throat "You know how this summer things have went down hill for the war on our side. You-Know-Who has taken to going after the muggle world aswell." Lily had heard her uncle talk about this bad wizard before and she was certain he had another name. Quite frankly she found is silly how they gave his more power by being afraid to say his name than using his real one. Lily thought he gave Jack vibes.

All eyes in the room had snapped back to her at something her uncle had said but she had missed.
"Sorry, what was it?" She asked her uncle a blush making its way to her cheeks at all the eyes on her. They probably think you're rude she thought to herself.

"I said how bout you wait outside for this part aye?" Her uncle said. She nodded her head and stood and let her uncle walk her into the hall. "Best you stay here some of them are a bit wary of muggles." He said before heading back into the room.

"Oh ok." She said before sitting at the bottom of some stairs as her uncle went back into the room. The old house felt cold and dark which had Lily wondering if the people who live or lived here were just as.

Back in the dining room of Grimmauld place Mad Eye had just entered the kitchen to see the order looking confused especially one of the red headed twins.

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