Chapter 7: Time Skip

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Sorry about the long wait, I should have the actual chapter soon and thank you for 1.3 thousand views

Ben's Recap:

Once the 2 days of rest were over, which in hindsight were rather boring, Astra and Mary decided the conspiracy theory problem would fix its self eventually and we were able to get into some sort of a routine together. Kind of. After breakfast Cyrus would bring me, Erica, Mike and Zoe around the property to train on various skills. He would take us hiking through the forest, plummeting off of cliffs, rock climbing up cliffs, he would have us practice self preservation with various martial arts techniques and of course weapons practice. Catherine would make lunch and dinner while doing stuff for MI6, Alexander would occasionally do real work, but most of the time he would watch TV and distract Cathrine, I'm still not sure what Mary did all day but it was probably important.

Astra was the least predictable; sometimes she would do a ton of highly classified very important stuff, other times should would join Alexander in watching TV, a lot of the time she would get distracted by the wolves, who I quickly learned were extremely needy, and then spend the rest of the afternoon with them doing training exercises or playing fetch. Occasionally she would take us on a hike, giving 'helpful' life advice, -it was not helpful-. There were a few things that were predictable however, every morning she would go on a horse ride-she's very good and it freaked Mike out when she asked us if we were interested in learning-, she loved bickering with Cyrus, she was always with at least one wolf, and she was always in close proximity to James. They tended to get caught in very awkward positions, such as making out in the middle of a random hallway, or on a couch, or virtually anywhere. Despite ending up spending a fair amount of time with Astra, again 'helpful' life advice, I never got to spend a lot of time with James but I did observe a few things; tousled black hair, bright blue eyes, a muscular tall build, blended right in with the rest of the family, and a very chill personality.

Of course James and Astra were not alone in being found in awkward positions, Catherine and Alexander would frequently be seen eyeing each other during meals and getting spotted kissing in her office after he successfully distracted her. I discovered Cyrus and Mary's long time tradition of writing each other sweet letters after discovering one under a pillow by accident, that was not a happy experience. Mike inevitably gained the hateful glares of Cyrus, Mary, Erica and even Alexander after Erica got a photo of him and Trixie intertwined around each other while on a walk. (I wasn't super sure what was in the photo but Astra had to prevent Mike's death by black mailing everyone involved). Other than those occasional mishaps Mike actually seemed to be doing great, he was very happy and somehow more positive now that he and Trixie got to spend time together in person.

Erica was slowly but steadily letting me get to know her vulnerable side. One of the most common things we would do was sitting it in together in her room, each with a separate activity, just enjoying each other presence, often times ending up cuddled together on her couch. We would also take walks, go on hikes and even have the extremely rare deep conversation. Erica refused to call it going on dates despite the fact that we were now officially boyfriend and girlfriend, but it didn't matter.

Zoe was solidly okay, she was quieter than usual and seemed kinda lost. I wasn't really sure how to approach her about it.

Then everything changed, all because of a series of unfortunate events.

I'm thinking of writing oneshots about some of the recap events, let me know if you want to see that

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