Chapter 2

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"Wait, huh-?" I say, really frightened, but excited.

"This face and hair are very much real, kid. Speaking of which, what's your name?" Ritsu says. And opens her mouth to add to her sentence.

"I'm Ritsu Tainaka! And this is my wife Mio!" She says. Me and Quinn get overly excited.

"I'm Alex!!" I say, very still. I was trying to hide my overexcitement so it doesn't seem to awkward, whilst Quinn is jumping up and down.

"I Quinn- I mean- Quinn! Uh-" they say very awkwardly. Their brain hasn't quite processed what's happening at the moment.

"Wait, so if they're real, then other characters must be real too." I say. Not realizing how exciting that is at first. Then my brain finally finishes processing.

"THEN OTHER CHARACTERS MUST BE REAL TOO-!!" I say, finally realizing. Turning the other way and running to go find other characters. Quinn, Ritsu, and Mio followed me.

Almost instantly I get distracted by a cat cafe. I love cats and I love coffee. So I just- went it, I guess.

Quinn and our newest recruited members of our friend group follow me inside.

"You're going to fast! Wait up-!!" Quinn says. Finally getting through the door with a huff. Mio and Ritsu do the same thing.

By the time they were inside I was already talking to the girl at the desk. I didn't even notice that I just met another character of K-On!, Azusa Nakano.

The girl had black hair with pony tails at both sides of her head. She was wearing a cat cafe uniform. I'm gonna let you imagine the uniform, just don't be disgusting, please 🙏

"OMG ITS AZUSA" Quinn says. Jumping up and down. "ALEX, ITS AZUSA!!" They repeat.

"Wait huh-?" I say. I knew who Azusa was. But due to not being able to watch the anime anymore since it got taken off Netflix THE DAY I started watching it and she gets introduced in the second season, I didn't really know what she looked like, so I didn't notice.

"Oh-" I say, way too casually. I look at Azusa with a smile going from ear to ear.

"Hi!" I finally say. I add to my sentence.

"Can I please have a French vanilla coffee?" I ask, as a cat suddenly rubs against my leg. I kneel down and grab the cat to embrace it in my arms.

"Of course.. we have pre-made ones already, so I'll go ahead and grab you one." She says, as she goes to the kitchen window and grabs my pre-made beverage off of the window sill thing as other coffees were displayed on it like my drink.

(If you don't know what I'm talking about, the window is kind of like the kitchen window in the Krusty Krabs restaurant that Squidward grabs the food from SpongeBob to serve to the customers. You're welcome.)

She comes back up to the front counter and hands me my drink. I hand her a 20 dollar bill because me and Quinn are Canadian and we don't have yen, neither do we know how money works in Japan, so I just handed her the 20 dollar bill and hoped for the best.

"You guys aren't from here?" She asks politely. I nod.

"We didn't really do any research about how to work money here, so I'm just hoping for the best-" I say as I scratched the back of my neck.

"That's fine. It can be confusing if your used to using Canadian money and not yen or euros. So I understand how you feel" she says.

"Good. I would've been so sad if you didn't." I laugh. I go to sit down at a nearby table and put the cat on my lap. I take a sip of my drink and my head explodes from the delicious flavour of my drink.

"Is there any such thing of something better then French Vanilla?? Because this is the best thing I've ever tasted." I say in my head.

I place down my drink on the table as Quinn comes up to me again.

"Me, Mio, and Ritsu are gonna go to the pet store, Mio wants a cat, wanna come?" They ask. I Shake my head no.

"Nah, I kinda wanna stay here with the cats. I didn't really have anything on the plane and I kind of wanna sit down for now." I say. They nod their head and gives me a thumbs up.

"Alright, we'll be right back, then." They say as they walked out the door.

I look down at my beverage, and took a sip, then looked down at the cat that was on my lap.

I pet the cat. My fingers gently stroking its soft fur.

I hear the door open and close again. 'Wait, they just left not even a minute ago. They can't be back already' I thought. I looked up and immediately notice that it was NOT Quinn, Mio, OR Ritsu.

Instead, I see people in black. One had short purple hair and purple eyes a long with eye bags, the other had black shoulder length hair and black eyes that also has eye bags.

I immediately look back down at the cat, take out my phone, and I open TikTok, trying to distract me from looking at them and making it weird.

Obviously, they notice me, but they don't know who I am so they just think I'm some random person.

Azusa notices my struggle and comes over to my table to talk and distract me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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