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Chris and I enter the home. His house is very pretty, and very well decorated. We are both greeted by a Small Woman, I don't even know this lady. Chris smiles and speaks up, "Mom! This is my friend, Rae." The woman smiles, "Hi Rae! Im Marylou, so nice to meet you!!" She faces Chris, "Is this your girlfriend Christopher?" I smile awkwardly, Chris laughs awkwardly but before he had a chance to speak another brunette boy appears into the room.

"Chris has a gf?" Chris faces the boy and says, "Oh, Rae this is Matt. And no Matt this isn't my gf." Matt rolls his eyes, strutting towards me. I smile and he says "Im Matt. Nice to meet you!" I nod my head, unsure of what to say, then another brunette boy enters the room, "Hey Matt and Chris-, Wait! Omg, Chris is this your girlfriend??"

I smile awkwardly, looking at Chris. "Jeez Nick, No this is my friend Rae." Nick looks at me again, studying my features he says, "Right, so im supposed to believe you?"

I laugh and Chris glares at me, he speaks up, "Uhm yeah Nick! Honestly me and her are gonna be leaving right now anyways so."

Nick rolls his eyes, "Sure, have fun." Matt smiles looking me up and down softly, "Nice meeting you Rae." I nod, "Nice meeting yall!!" Chris grabs my arm and pulls me out of the house.

We are walking around the city as it is still pouring, we are just chatting about random things and learning more about eachother.

We arrive at an empty street, he pulls me over. "Rae, come here." He says in a calm-tone.

I nod, following him. "Give me your hands." I place my hands in his, he gently grabs my hands, interlocking our fingers "Want to dance?" He says in a soft tone. I smile, "Of course." He begins slow dancing with me, rain pouring down nothing but silence. Nothing but us. His hands gently placed in mine as he twirls me. I giggle softly, he looks at me, "Are you enjoying yourself?" I nod, "Yes!" He smiles, "Good." The streetlights were the only source of light, otherwise from the rain it was completely silent outside. Chris stops dancing with me for a moment, removing his hands from mine stuffing them in his pockets. I look confused at him, "What's wrong?" He shakes his head, "Nothing, im fine. I just need to go home." I sigh, "Okay, thats fine. Ill walk you-" Chris interrupts her, "No, its fine." I look down at my shoes, sighing and then speaking up, "K, bye Chris." He nods, "Bye Rae." And he walks away.

short chapt today sorryyy!!

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