Brenna Twaintet

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This week sucks. Abby and Alex got the stomach flu, and my honors classes have had so much homework I can't think straight. Plus, I'm exhausted. I have my ELA test tomorrow, and I am dying here. I'll go to bed and study some more in the morning. Plus, the house is a choir of vomiting. I have no words.

I'm so nervous my stomach hurts. We have our big ELA test today. I roll out of bed and groan. My head is spinning, my stomach is flipping, and my throat aches. I want to stay home, but it is a test day. I groan, "Good morning" to Ben, and head to shower.

When I get to shower, I start crying. The pain is real and awful. I could stay home, but again, the test is today. I pull on my jeans and am on my way. I have ELA first. I can finish this test and get this torture done soon.

I'm about to start this test when I feel a jolt. My head swims. Conjunction... can I make it to the bathroom in time? Define exacerbate. I painfully pull myself together and raise my hand."Mr. Lakebury. I don't feel well. May I go to the bathroom?" I sprint to the toilet without hearing his response. I run into the stall and lock the door. I fall and retch. My vomit spills out of me. My friend Frida rushes in. "Are you okay?" I moan and fall. I am brought to the nurses' office. Mom comes in. I go home. I lose the bit of conciseness I have regained.

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