Dahlia Twaintet

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I can't believe how mean Mrs. Fitzpatrick is! I told her Maxwell punched me, and she called me a tattletale. I have to stay in during recess for a week. And I'm so tired. I did my math homework and I'll do my literacy homework during "detention" tomorrow. Wow. Getting a whole bunch of sleep did not help my exhaustion. I'm so tired my head hurts. I grab a granola bar and hop on the bus. I reviewed my schedule for today. I have to go to math, the library, and then lunch. Today, Ms. Gardo is the library aide. Mr. Loradner is the librarian, but there are rotating aids. But it is a Tuesday, so Dr. Petdatote, the counselor, is coming in. He tells us to take a paper tie from the pile in the middle of our table. The projector flickers to life, and he explains what we are doing. We are picking which one sounds more like us. After, we'll see the possible options for our job area and write a paragraph about why we chose that. The first question says, "Color in the option that sounds most like you." Red is building a robot, orange is volunteering at a shelter, yellow is cleaning trash, and green is acting in a play. I pick orange. We repeat this ten times. After, I have three purples, two reds, one green, and four oranges. I chose running an animal shelter because I love all animals. Now it's time for math! As I walk in, I glance at the chart. It's my week to feed Guido the 'guana. He's adorable! I'll have to stay late. Take that, Mrs. Fitzpatrick! I get 10/12 questions right on the homework. That is a B! Today, we are learning division with decimals. You have to move the decimal until it is a whole number. Mr. Paneeto reminded me to return my book into my cubby. I'm so tired by then. I feel weird. I go back and refill Guido's food and water. I check that everything is working. Then I have to clean out his poop. Maybe I won't run an animal shelter. Even through the gloves, it is mushy and smelly. I drop it and run to the bathroom. I bend over and see a gunk in the toilet. But that couldn't have come from me. Then I would be sick. I force myself to get it together and walk to Mrs. Fitzpatrick's room. It is really hot in there. I don't know how she is wearing a sweater. My head starts pounding and I am suddenly freezing. It is like the North Pole in there. I start thinking about Guido, but that reminds me of his poop. And that doesn't agree with my stomach. I say, "Mrs. Fitzpatrick, may I please go to the bathroom? I don't feel well." She tells me to deal with it. So I bend over and, all over her new shoes, I let loose. I stop trying to hold down my breakfast and let it splatter all over her shoes. She screams and marches me to the office. Mrs. Fitzpatrick: "This girl vomited all over my shoes, AND she was late for detention"Me: I told her I didn't feel well *pauses to vomit in the trashcan* and I had to clean *vomits again* Guido's cage. I feel another wave of nausea crash over me and blackout.

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