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The weather is cloudy giving the best vibe for everything. In between the vibrant colours of petals, two individuals are sitting on the soft grass.

"Jungkook lost his father when he was 10." Karla says.

The unforeseen words made tae's head snap towards mrs.jeon where she is suppose to be sitting. He never expected this.

Though tae can't see the expression of karla, he is sure she is quite calm and composed. He moved his hands only to intertwine with his own.

"He was diagnosed with coronary artery disease when jungkook was 3. We travelled to U.S.A. for further treatment and they assured us that it is curable. I planned to get settled there so that the treatments can be fast but.." there comes a long sigh from karla. She shift a little sitting straight.

"He didn't listen to me or any of our friends. He was so focused on his developing company. So worked up to earn a good future for all of us that he ignored himself. I was still making sure that every month he will go to U.S.A. for his cheack up."

Karla unfold her legs folding them towards her chest. She lower her chin resting it in between the top of the knees. She glance at tae who s gaze is slightly low, still towards her side..he is listening...attentively

She takes another whip of the cool air, filling her lungs as she continues her story...

"Jungkook was growing up and in the blink of an eye he was 6. He was an absolute sweetheart. He was calm, quite, polite and an introvert. He loved reading book. First those were fantasy themed then it turned into some educational stuffs."

"Jungkook was so fond of his dad more than me cause his dad had no problem of him staying home all day after school." Karla laughs slightly remembering those day. "Apparently I was the evil one, telling him to make friends, to play outside..His dad would buy him books, even read those for him some times.."

"Among all these beautiful scenes, the change in jungkook's dad's health was noticable..but he never took that seriously. He was travelling to U.S.A. often but opposite of my thoughts those trips were buisness related..He kept me in dark, for years... that he was okay..."

"That day, it was a workday. Both me and jungkook were at home baking cake to celebrate the success of jungkook in school exam. He secured first place. Being a dad's boy he called him whining about coming back home early. So that he can get new books and a big circle canvas, his gifts.."

"His dad returned engulfing jungkook in a tight hug, circling him around. Both were shouting, happily.... Jungkook got his gifts, additional kisses also. He dragged his dad to the kitchen to show him the cake...."

"Suddenly we heard jungkook's dad whimper.. he fell down on his knees, clutching his heart. We panicked. I called the ambulance, jungkook was crying holding his dad... when i reached to them he went limp in our arms...."

Drops of tears brought karla out of her trance. She is crying.... doesn't matter how calm she pretend to be, loosing her love is something she can never think without griefing.. she was never ready for that. She silently wipe her tears closing those eyelids, trying to let the extra wetness out...

She hears faint sniff, turning to side she sees tae crying..unlike her silent cries he was very audible.. his tears are uncontrollable, despite of him wiping it continuously...

"Oh tae", karla hurriedly pulls him close.

"Shh, sweetie stop.. please."

Tae can feel the hidden sorrow in the shadow of those words..he has gone through those moments and he knows thats horrific..despite that jungkook is standing strong, mrs.jeon is standing strong....he can imagine the younger's child self being confused over why his father is not returning anymore? Its just the worst feeling and he
knows it better...

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