30th Anniversary

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Sam was sitting at his desk, looking through multiple papers. He sighed as he checked the clock. 4:26 am. How had time slipped passed him again? It was just 7 o'clock.
Honestly Jess must be so annoyed with him rarely ever going to bed. He felt bad but these case needed to be solved.
"Babe." Jess' groggily voice echoed through the quiet room. "Come to bed. It's not going anywhere." Sam wanted to shake his head, tell her that he needed to solve it. But instead, sleepiness taking over his mind, nodded and followed Jess to their bedroom. As soon as his head touched the pillow he was asleep. Jess smiled and placed a gentile kiss on his forehead and snuggled close to him.
The morning came quickly for Sam, it was 8 am and he heard Jess humming a tune down the hall as she walked through the kitchen.
He pulled the blankets off himself and forced himself out of bed.
"Morning baby." She said, turning around to face Sam and quickly kissing Sam as he wrapped his arms around her waist.
"Mornin'." He replied and let her continue cooking. "Are those pancakes." Jess nodded happily.
"I found some where I could alternate milk." Jess held the recipe out to Sam to read it. "Hopefully they'll taste good." Sam nodded in agreement and pulled two plates out for them.
"Oh babe." She called out to him. "Make sure you take out som syrup." Sam nodded and returned from the kitchen to take out three types of syrup.
Once the pancakes were ready, Sam and Jess began eating.
"Heard anything from John and Mary?" Jess asked before taking a bite from her pancake.
"Not much." He started. "I know they said Adam took his first steps yesterday. But told you that already."
"Ah, nothing on your dads business launching?" Sam shook his head.
"Probably take a bit."
Sam was working again. Court was in three hours and he needed to find something that can solve the case. Something wasn't right about this.
He read over every piece of evidence he had with him. Each person they talked to. Nothing. Nothing. Noth-
"I made lunch." Jess' soft voice interrupted Sam's thoughts about nothing.
Court was long. Sam was working his ass off.
In the end, Sam somehow managed to actually win.
"Thank you." His client thanked. "Thank you so much." Sam smiled and nodded briefly before running to find Jess who watched from a distance.
"Babe you look so stressed." She hushed and kissed his cheek.
"I'm fine." He assured her. "Just tired. That's all." Jess tsk'd lightly and took his hand.
"Next time come to bed earlier." She whispered quietly and pulled him into the car.
They were driving to John and Mary's for their anniversary.
Sam offered to drive so Jess could fix her makeup.
"Sam," Jess started. "Do you think.. Dean.. Will be there?" Sam laughed.
"Dean? Yeah right. He left and he isn't coming back." Sam muttered, eyes never leaving the road.
"I know but it's their 30th wedding anniversary." Jess reasoned. "Surely he still cares enough to at least show up." Sam barked a laugh.
"Care? Dean, care? About us. Yeah right." He said with a chuckle. "It was his goal to leave. To have us hate him." Jess shook her head and took Sam's hand.
"You don't hate him." She whispered. "You're just mad." Sam remained silent the rest of the ride, Jess would comment about the song that was playing throughout the car. Rather loudly to drown out any noise that may be made.
Sam wouldn't respond only nodded curtly.
They arrived about 45 minutes away. They all lived relevantly far away from each other. Sam had to move because he needed to be closer to the law firm and John needed to stay since his business' were all launched in that area.
"Jessica!" Mary said happily and hugged her. Jess smiled and quickly hugged her back before Adam wobbled up to her. Still stumbling around.
"Auntie Jess!" He greeted. He turned to Sam and hugged him. Sam pulled him up and play a quick game of catching Adam before setting him back down to go find John.
"Did I hear my two favourites?" John shouted down the hall. "Hello, Sam. Jess." He gave them both a quick hug.
"Happy anniversary." Sam and Jess said together. "Here." Sam handed them a card and a small gift. They thanked him and set it aside for later.
"Come, Mary just finished cooking." They were seated and ready to eat. Mary brought out scalp potatoes, carrots, Turkey and red wine.
"Oh! Jess I forgot you don't drink red wine!" Mary cursed to herself and quickly left to get something different. She returned with what appeared to be cranberry juice.
"I know you like this so I bought it. Is it alright?" Jess assured her it was fine.
Eventually they all began eating, talking about Jess and Sam, the law firm and Johns new business.
It was all smooth and fun, they finished their meal and Mary came out with pumpkin pie and apple pie for dessert.
"Mary this is so good, did you make these yourself?" Jess said between bites.
"Yes, thank you." Mary said with a proud smile. Jess chuckled quietly and reached her hand over to Sam's. She quickly squeezed it, noticing his strange distraught.
That's when the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it." Sam muttered, quickly leaving to answer the stranger at the door.
"Hello?" He said as he answered the door.
"I hate to ruin the good moment but..." A very familiar voice spoke from the door. "Can I come in?" He asked, looking passed him to see a hallway.
"Who is it?" Mary called.
"Uhm..." Sam said, unaware on what do to. "Dean." There was an awkward silence.
"Dean?" Mary responded. "Why is Dean here?" Sam turned to face him as if he asked the question.
"Oh.. Right well you see.." He started. "This is my family and its their 30th wedding anniversary-"
"You remembered what year?" Sam asked, faking a surprise.
"-and I thought I'd come for a visit." Sam laughed and rolled his eyes.
"You? Visit? What do you want?" Dean sighed.
"I've got a-somebody- in my car."
"Oh god, Dean if you killed someone please don't pin it on us."
"He's alive you idiot." He hissed. "I hope." He added, casting a glance at his 1967 Chevy Impala.
"Sam! Bring Dean in." Jess called.
"Is that J-"
"In a sec babe!" Dean laughed.
"Wow Sammy, never thought you'd actually end up with Jess!" He said with a small chuckle.
"Why is he here?" Sam asked harshly. Not looking at Dean.
"I found him. Beside a dead body." Dean muttered. "It's hard to explain. I need you to take his case."
"You can't just show up here demanding a case!" Sam hissed. "Besides who will you stay with? Last I check you weren't even living in this city."
"You? Please." Sam groaned but felt awful refusing. Something about Deans current appearance made him stop and think.
What's he been doing all this time?
"Fine." He finally said. "Come in."

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