Castiel and Deans Story

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Dean stepped in the house slowly. The house he hadn't visited in years was surprisingly the same.
They never fixed the small hole by the door he and Sam made as kids. The walls were repainted though, Dean also noticed they took down the school photos of Dean, it was as if they only had one son.
"Dean?" Jess asked. "Come here. We just got the food dished." Dean silently thanked her and followed her to the kitchen where he found his parents staring at him.
"Happy... Anniversary." He said with a small grin.
"Dean..." Mary breathed.
Dean smiled weakly and hugged his mom.
"I've got a case for Sam." He stated. "I hate to interrupt this...lovely... Evening but it's kind of really important. A-and I need you to know that-that he's completely innocent-and I am too- and-"
"Tell this to Sam." Mary said sweetly. "But not right now. Just bring the man in here."
Dean left quietly and came back with a body slouched over him. He carefully placed the man on the couch. "This is Castiel." Dean said and sat beside him. "Cas." Dean shook the man softly to wake him.
"Dean, when Castiel wakes up you and him are telling us everything." Dean nodded, Sam gave him a suspicious glance at the man sleeping.
Dean felt the tension and awkwardness between his family and himself. Everyone was silent. Jess would, from time to time try and talk to Dean. He'd brush her off, and eventually she stopped trying. Dean just sat beside Castiel's body, watching him closely.
"Dean." John Winchesters voice cut through the silence. "Can I speak to you in the other room." Dean looked over to the room where he was pointing to, nodded slowly and followed him out. His eyes glued to the floor.
There was a quiet, awkward silence for a few seconds before John finally opened his mouth to speak.
"I just want to say I'm glad to see you again. In one piece too." Dean was surprised at the kindness in his fathers tone. But he didn't show it. He was good at that. Storing every last emotion away, he was pretty much an emotionless person. Dean was okay with that.
"But-" there's what Dean was dreading. The tone had changed into a harder tone, more stern. "Now, of all times you show up in our damn house with a half alive body an expect us all to be okay? Did you honestly plan any of this out or just winging it?" He wasn't yelling. He didn't need to, Dean knew his father was angry. He could hear it in his voice. It was filled with unhappiness. It wasn't angry. He was more... Disapproving.
"You understand me, boy?" Dean nodded. He expected a slap, a hit something for his wrong doings, maybe a punch for being gone for so long. But it never came. John just left. Dean left the room moments after.
Castiel woke up an hour later. He was startled at for a second until he saw Dean.
"Cas...tiel." Dean said, adding the tiel quickly.
"Dean?" Castiel's voice replied. "Who are they?" Dean paused for a moment. As if he were thinking about who they were.
"They're old friends of mine." Dean finally replied.
It didn't startle Sam that Dean had said that. When Sam were ever asked about his siblings, he'd say that he only had a little brother named Adam.
"This is John, Mary, Jess, Samm-Sam and-and Adam." Castiel nodded, he blinked slowly, his cheeks were a light pink and he swayed a little where he sat.
"I guess it's time we tell ou-your story?" Dean said, glancing down at Castiel. Castiel nodded, he repositioned himself. "I'll start, before I saw you." Castiel nodded once more and awaited. "I'll start from the very beginning. 7 years ago, when I was kicked out of the house at the age of 18. I met up with Lisa, I had moved in with her two months later, got a part time job. Things were looking up for me. We-she adopted a little boy named Ben. I taught him how to hunt a year later and I was actually happy. For once in my hell hole of a life. Then Lisa and Ben got hit, drunk driver is what they said. Both suffered from major memory loss and Lisa wanted nothing to do with me. I was wiped from her memory. Ben was in ICU, I visited him as often as possible. Until Lisa showed up told me to get lost and I never went back. I wasn't at work for two weeks and if I did show up I was hours late. I was always with Ben or- so I got fired. Had no apartment anymore-nothing. So I left this city. I left for two years, got a somewhat stable job working for hunters. I quit three months later. Blew my money, stayed in hotels bouncing around cities. Until somehow I bounced back here." Dean hesitated. He glanced at Castiel who had a very concerned look on his face, then Sam who showed the tiniest emotion. Pity. Sam, his younger brother, whom Dean loved, pitied Dean for what Sam had caused. He didn't bother looking at his parents. "So I got a job, a-uh- very dangerous job. Pay was awful, people were awful, but some reason I stayed I left the other jobs that were so much better. But I stayed at this one. I saw lots of awful things.
"I think I felt more pressured to stay at this job. Then I got a job to uh-look around a-uh unreported murder scene. That's when I saw Cas there, bloodied, knife beside him, knocked out cold." Dean glanced at Castiel, he smiled, giving him an approving look. "It's Cas' turn." Dean whispered.
"I..." He started. "I've lived in the streets for-uh-a while now with my sister Anna ever since we were kicked out, Anna-" Castiel took in a sharp breath. "Anna and I fought a lot over the silliest things. She always wanted 'what's right for me' but I lived more of a reckless life, I suppose. One night, I heard Anna quietly waking me. Her voice was panicked and yet calm. I was tired, it had to be 2 am. She told me there was someone off in the distance. With a knife. She told me we'd have to hide. Quickly before he came. We didn't pack anything. We ran. All the way across town, to the safest place we knew. We built from there, thriving even. It was much nicer there.
"Anna loved going for walks by the golf park. Being around the lakes and creaks. But it was strange for her to be gone for a long time. She was always too worried about me to be gone too long. So I was worried. I met her halfway, she was clutching her side and her leg was oozing blood. It was bad. She told me to run and never look back, to leave and don't come back. But I didn't. I was stupid to stay but I needed to get her to the hospital. We stopped our home, street home of course, and I helped her back all her money for hospital bills.
"I didn't really see it, I was knocked out. But I heard Anna scream, I half saw the blade go directly into her back. But I saw her collapse. I saw her crumple to the ground and look at me with her last glance. Then it went black. And I woke up in Deans car."

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